Wednesday, December 02, 2009


..... and thats ALL i have to say about that!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Life is Funny!!!

its just waaaaaay too short to be taken seriously :)

Monday, July 21, 2008

... they laughed at fugly too I've created a new word:


hmm... well thats all I really have to say for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm UBER fabulous

soooooo... for some completely arb reason my favourite word so far this year has to be:

*drumroll please*

~*< ÜBER >*~

I dunno how,
I dunno why,
I duno where it came from,
(ok, its German folks, so we've established where it originated from, but i'm sure you know wot I meant)

Anyway, so this damn word is everywhere, all day, everyday,
*can you say : ÜBER OVERKILL?!?!?*
so much so, my mates are complaining about it... Um...Well, I'm ÜBER jammer om jou kak te hoor ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Almost 30.... perspective adjustment time again

so here we go again, hopefully i make more than 2 measly posts this year.

ah... the dirty 30's are upon us - ok fine, maybe just upon me :)

but i'm loving life - when this year started i just knew it was going to be my year!!!
(its about fucking time actually - been a couple kak years, a few good years)
but this one is going to be AMAZING!!!! (despite the kak thats already happened)

here's to 2008 *holds up glass o' bubbley* and here's to me and MY YEAR!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


sooo.. its not even funny how little i write these days

i seriously miss it, like seriously!!


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Technology and chics

I know this shit.. fuck i kinda studied it....
by kinda i mean... sorta...maybe.... u know...
but i also mean that softwearprogrammes have changed or been upgraded which ultimately means i didnt really study this shit... so... now i typed out a post... i try to cut and paste the damn thing and well... fokol... so this is just me bitching about it... just in case i'm able to post this one... either way... i got to get this off my chest...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

well well well.... wot can i say... i've neglected this blog...
*norty norty girl*
so its April 2007 and well where do i start..
so much has happened... SOOOO much
lets see 2006 (yes i know, thats so last year)
well as i was saying ... 2006...
um... well... so... dunno if i really remember
everything... well here's the condensed version.
hmmm... worked really hard on Coke campaign,
major stress, also landed big vodacom campaign, i killed myself working on that... all in all a successful year for me work wise... socially, lots and lots of jolling i think... also too much booze... (evil i tell U)... went to my old friend and flatmates wedding in WC in july, it was beautiful...
hooked up with a 22yr old in august... that was fun while it lasted, but so immature...
*note to self: kids are only good for playing with*
agh well thats all there really was for 2006...
2007 on the other hand... started off perfectly
lay in the sun, by the pool, in my complex for 6hrs a day
14 days straight... i was indian looking by the time i went back to work.
there was shit with my sisters school application and funding etc... so she had to go home...
well... without going into any detail, i've learned a valuable lesson in life:
carefull who you bless with your kindness and generosity--
there are people who will take it for granted
and will not apprectiate you and all the help you give...
there are insensitive people who will disrespect you to your face...
there are people who will not show you the same consideration you have show them...
in a nutshell - people take advantage - - because you let them.
help help help - but draw the line somewhere
i'm loving work... i've been promoted... and its great.
anyway... got nothing more... i'm tired and wanna sleep... been a long day.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

....falling out of love....

....with love.

what has happened to me??? i've read thru some old posts... about love and romance and the ex's... and i'm like "wot was i thinking??"
stupid girl... get a grip... PLEASE....
granted i'm not entirely happy now... but i'm not that pathetic, desperate and devastated piece of love puppy that i used to be... i dont know, maybe my problem is that i know what's at stake if i fall inlove again... so i probably convince myself that i dont miss little, sweet, lame-ass cute things that come with being inlove... thing is...
i dont miss it one bit.


.... starting to sound like a broken record when i say this but... damit!! where has the time gone... more importantly... what have i been doing with my time... aside from work and trying to find some kind of happiness.... i've just started writing (well typing) my memoirs... yes, lil' ol' me is typing my biography... yes yes i know... who the hell am i?? no-one knows me... i'm not even a little bit famous... but u know what i'm thinking- maybe my book will be my claim to fame(all 5 minutes of it)... who knows... they'll read it at book club and discuss it in depth, hey, Dr Phill may even wanna interview me, cos we sure as hell know there's nothing wrong with me upstairs... problem is that alot of what's published in this blog will probably be in it anyway...
(note to self: dont cut and paste)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

where has the time gone

they say time flies when u're having fun...
well that is true but its been all work really and all work and no play...
well we all know how that goes...

i just cant believe its already september. so much has happened in the last few months (so much for me writing a monthly post)

work has been an absolute nightmare and a blessing. i love the challenge and well to be truely honest, i love working hard. my biggest problem is that i put so much pressure on myself and stress so much about proving myself that i forget why and who i'm proving myself to. i know full well of my potential and wot i'm capable of and should learn to take it easy. and its not that i want everything to be perfect... just that i want things to be as close to perfect as possible. and in wanting that... i usually end up doing so much for fear that if i dont do it, it wont be done rite... but i've finally learnt the art of delegation. not to say i wasnt delegating before... which i was, but when listing the tasks... i used to find that so many of them are important and found i'd give others the easy work to do... anyway... all sorted out now. learnt that when u give ppl more responsibilty that become more responsible. i dunno if that makes sense, but it makes sense to me ;)

Friday, June 30, 2006

having read the book i've come to realise what i knew all along....

he's just not that into me... and there are very clear signs

(part one of this post)

  • if i dont hear from him - its not bcos he's too busy or bcos his fone was stolen or bcos he lost my number - its simply bcos he hasnt thort about me... hey sometimes its a week before there's any contact... i of course fight the urge to make contact cos as much as i want to ... i wont... why should i...???..... he's not that into me anyway.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

4 down... actually make that 6...

  • APRIL....
  • its hideous how time flies... its freaken june already and i havent even updated this damn thing yet... thats 10 shades of wrong!!!
  • mmm... work is hectic, the breakdowns are more and more frequent. "Yes, i cry at work, dont like to but i cant always control it"
  • sisters bday comes around... and that nite i waited outside my flat, didnt have the keys to get in... stood there for about 20mins... called george to let me in, then this car pulls up, didnt see it really cos it was behind the trees... then 3 dodge black guys walk up to me and ask me for my fone, well of course i'm thinking "fuck no, my fones were stolen exactly a month ago and this cant be happening" my first reaction - i froze. then surrounded by the fuckers the one then flashes me a gun, (looked fucking real to me) so i then became angry and said no. he then puts the gun to my stomach and i looked down and saw my laptop bag on the floor between my legs, i freakout, thinking there's no way i'll let them take that... all my hard work is on it and i refuse to hand it over, so immediately sat on top of it and screamed for help. he puts the gun to my head and says he'll shoot me if i dont stop screaming, meanwhile the other little fucker starts trying to search my pockets, luckily i was holding files in both arms were nicely locked, that prevented him from reaching my pockets. the fucker with the gun threatens to kill me again if i dont stop and i'm thinking "just do it then" suddenly the neighbors come out and open the gate i practically fall in as i was leaning against it anyway. they run off... i ran sat at the foyer and cried out of shock. i've never had a gun pointed at me, the weird thing was that i really didnt care if i died... ppl keep saying it was brave... looking back i still think it was stupid... but it was involuntary... i was just reacting... i was just so furious that its such a mission to have to replace every thing...
  • so both flatmates move out, and for the very 1st time in my life i live on my own, ALL ALONE! at 1st it sucked (well also cos i had jackshit furniture) cos i had no-one to talk to didnt even bother watching tv, just kinda speant time in my room, reading or drawing or working(as always) then tried to decide if i was gonna move out or stay (great place, cheap and huge) so i decided to stay, but then had to find a flatmate.
  • was wined and dined one nite, nix (nicola) has this friend from PE, him and his leb mafia friend pick us up in a BMW m5, we go to this snaz restuarant. there was a queue but we didnt have to wait... nix and i ordered a glass of the finest chateaux d'cardbord. clint (mafia dude) takes a sip of my wine and says "no we cant drink this" then calls the manager over and orders the table a bottle of MOET rose'... (R1500 a bottle) i must say it was lovely!! then nix and i discussed wot we were gonna eat ( we were gonna order 2 plates of sushi and share it) so we place the order but clint says "no u cant just have that" he then orders oysters for everyone to start with, then a huge platter of all kinds of sushi, then the biggest prawns i've ever seen (they were so big i was scared they'd jump up and eat me instead) and other seafood. we didnt even see the bill... they then dropped us off at home. safe and sound.
  • 2 days later, they pick us up to go out on the town... us girls all glitzed up. so the hummer arrives we climb in and off we go... go to sandton news cafe ( like only the hottest pub in jhb, we go there all the time) we walk in with the boys and feel like royalty, they get us a table, more guysw joined and it was drinks all around. then we see nix's ex, the one who was physically abusive. we tell clint, he gets all agro, calls the owner over and tells him to kick him out. so the manager goes over asks him to leave, he doesnt, eventually the owner goes over there and tells him to leave. him and his friends get up and go. owner comes to the table, saying that they must not think of ever coming back there. whoohoo... we're like the coolest bitches he he he... such a powerfull feeling knowing someone with so much power has ur back. then we go thru to the hottest new club in JHB - the palms. we drive up (in the hummer of course) there's a bitch of a queue outside and no parking. we drive straight thru the queue and parked rite by the door, ppl scattered everywhere. then they put security tape behind the car so no-one could go to it. we climb out the car, everyone staring wondering who we are, clint gets on the fone to the manager and calls him down stairs. we see some girls from work and they ask us if we can get them in. clint says its cool. manager escorts us rite inside and not one of us paid to get in (cover R100) drinks were free all nite... i scored 2 guys... but had some nasty's after me too. we left, this time i'm in a porche... and go home... whooohoooo!!!! wot a cool few days.
  • unfortunately, there was a holiday on the thursday and most ppl took off work on the friday. spoke to nix (nicole) on the tuesday and she said i could sleep at her bosses place if she was going to house sit for her so i was closer to work. i usually walk about 30-45mins to get to her house in the morning. i mean i pay her for petrol but she doesnt even pick me up. so i eventually get to her house and her car isnt there, i call her and she's house sitting. so i said that she was supposed to let me know cos she said i could sleep there... anyway... falling out of note!!! cos little miss was acting all blaze' about it... and i continued to walk for a further hr and 1/2... anyway, her 21st bday party was the next day, she sms's me like nothing happened. how she's gonna pick me up and where, when, who.... so i tell her i'm not going, trying to find a flatemate and may have to help him move also broke as hell... sorry and enjoy. she loses her shit, and then i had a peacefull evening. she sent some martre messages... shame poor me... bla bla bla... i cried... i wanna die.... bla... hate my life... everyone's leaving cos u're not here... bla bla bullshit... next day we had it out... she was laying it on thick!!! and i was giving it rite back. so woteva... havent seen her since...
  • went to check out only the biggest meteorite crater site... left early drove all the way to fuckknowswhere only to find that we've been living in it... the crater spans many km and jhb is rite in the crater site... saw an aerial shot... was so funny... then drove to the next one nearest to us... also in fuckknowswhere... finally get there at 3:25 and the fucker at the gate says they close at 3:30... so we say well then we still have 5mins... so he shows us his time and says its alreay 3:30... and we're too late... we tried to bribe, sweet talk even tried sending him on a guilt trip cos we'd been driving all day and nothing worked... anyway... threw my toys out and we managed to get in... yay... on condition that we were out by 5pm... tite squeeze as it was quite a hike... got some really cool pix... anyway
  • MAY....
  • so Armand moves in with me... it was really cool... he works with me, he's such a honey. anyway... so his car was broken into the following weekend.... they took his radio and speakers and funny enough, there was alot of promotional stock in the car... some new yoghurt that helps regulate ur tummy, the fuckers actually had time to sit in the car and eat it... we hope they eat too much and get diahhorea ha ha ha.... anyway, so we decided to move out, looked at 2 places and picked a noice one with a loft. awesome complex, more like a village... have everything we need... bar, clubhouse, laundry, dvd rental, pizzaria, mini super market.... everything we need, except furniture... grrr...
  • nix eventually sms's to make up... still havent seen her tho...
  • give notice at the old flate, only to find out that we need to give 2months... so we were gonna be fuct cos we'd already signed the lease at the other place so we woulda ended up paying rent in 2 places but luckily the landlord found a tenant. PHEW!!!
  • moving was a bitch tho, had so much shit to throw out... but loving the new place... going to get a kitty...
  • my old assistant leaves the company - just as she started getting into the swing of things...
  • new assistant seems pretty jacked up... now having worked with a for a month it's very clear that our relationship will work out just perfectly!! she used to mock me or rather was impressed by how well i handle my work and how much ownership i take... she impressed me recently, as she's doing the same and we think so much alike.
  • been rather lucky when going out... nix and i went to the palms again... and by chance bumped into some local and international rugby players, who then dragged us to the VIP section with them. and within the VIP section there was a lounge - just for the rugby guys and their guests. had sooooo much fun, except for the fact that i was tired and passed out in clear view of everyone... all in all a great nite out. also had some hideous hounds trying to pick me up... wots new... thats all i seem to be attracting these days, not to mention married men - who i mite add i leave alone and tell them in the nicest possible way to'fucking go home to ur wife'
  • JUNE...
  • so quite a hectic month so far....
  • work was hectic - had an away day with all the senior managers... it was fun. discussed the way forward for us and for us in the company. had my performance review with both my direct superior and the one partner(team leader) they said that my review was the nicest 1 they had had to do. as i went through a ruff patch in march - personal stuff that was affecting my performance at work. they were quite understanding. but since then i've been performing beyond where i was prior to march. they also said that i was too critical on myself and that they expect more imput from me, as i dont have faith in my abilities i dont think i have any value to add but that i need to see the potential they do and work at it.
  • my new assistant is working out great. in the areas wheremy other assistants were lacking - she excells. her only downfall is that she doesnt seem to be as computer literate as the job requires, but that can be remedied with training.
  • i did an advanced excell training course - paid for by the company. they made us all go to help us save time as most of us just knew the basics.
  • the fone that was stolen on the 12th of march - was replaced on the 12th of june.
  • 15th of june - my client Nestle decides they're going to pull my campaign.. just like that... i was shocked, then angry then just plain dissapointed cos that campaign had been my baby for 8months and was meant to carry on till the end of the year.
  • so i'd been planning a trip back home for fathers day. not so much becos it was fathers day but more bcos my family would be together again that weekend. with my bro not living at home anymore - dani living on res in grahamstown - me living in joburg... its not often that we will all be home at the same time. my plans to go to PE changed to many times i wasnt sure if i'd still end up going there... Nicola and i drove down - she's also from there. had such a blast!!!
  • came back to the office and i hear i've landed Coca-cola as my next client!! whoohoo... its a bigger campaign than the one i was running. only problem is that i havent even been briefed on it, we have no confirmation as to when it breaks... so that leaves me doing nothing until then... and that's driving me mad... everyone says to relax.. but the funny thing is... i dont know how... and to top it all... all that i had was my work... now that i'm not as busy... i have nothing else... and so now thats where i'm at... lonely and bored...
  • was seeing a nice guy but wots the point.... next year he's going to end up living overseas... so no point in that rite... why get into anything serious.... i fall so hard and so easily as it is... why choose to get into it if i'm only gona end up getting hurt anyway...
  • went to the palms tonite for the Virgin Mobile launch party... and believe this or not.... RICHARD BRANSON rubbed my shoulder... he was walking passed me as i was at the entrance and i was getting an vip armband fitted and couldnt shake his hand when he greated me... so he put his hand on my shoulder and rubs it... whoohoo... now that's wot u call rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous he he he...

Control + Z

well i have very few regrets in my life... i'm happy knowing that all that i've been through has got me to where i am.... and to be who i am today
actually.... only 2 regrets....
one involving something that happened to my mom and one with something that happened to my sister.... its something i could have prevented happening and i carry the mental torture with me... dunno why i do but i feel responsible...

sometimes i wish i had a little "life remote control"

mmm... i fuct up>>>> refer to user guide

  • "simultaneously push control+Z"

Friday, April 14, 2006

3 down 9 to go

well so ya, its way into april.... but stil it just meants march's post is long over-due, so here goes:

  • so i went thru 3 assistants... well the 3rd one is still around but she found a new job within 10days of working there... dunno wot to think about that.
  • then mom's 50th bday- well dad had an episode that ended in him locking mom out the house, then her breaking in and then him pulling a gun on her
  • then sister (my soulmate as u know) having a moment, she's at varsity, far from home, first time away from home and not handling, and more than anything... suicidal...
  • and one of my best friends Nicola... jobless and manless and suicidal... downrite depressed
  • my client deciding that they wana up their budget with us by more than double... R4.5mil
  • i have a nervous breakdown at the office... too much pressure and too much stress... too young for all of it...
  • my bday coming around and none of my friends come out to celebrate... the only two who do, ruin the nite, i end up walking home, catch a ride, get home and long story, i end up without my hand bag, none of my fones, no bank cards...
  • then second assistant resigns... dunno what to do....
  • i end up stuck, with both flatmates moving out... WTF????

so now that its already halfway thru april i can tell u that it doesnt even get better... if anything it gets worse... but who gives a shit anyway, if i dont, how can i expect anyone else to.... but just know it gets worse...

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it.
So it means that every single day you see me,
that's on the worse day of my life.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

2 down.. 10 to go

damn... where has the time gone... cant believe its already time for march... bday month for me... well february has been quite cool acually so here goes :

  • work has chilled quite a bit, i was only hectic for 2 weeks of the month and then chilled for 2 weeks, perfect! but this week i had a meeting with the client and they've more than doubled their budget and the workload has trippled, so my assistant starts tomoro. its gonna be alot of hard work, but i look forward to it cos i wont be doing it alone... i'm impressed with how much i've grown in the 5months i've been there. altho i must say that so far this yr 15 ppl have left the company. needless to say my stress levels r high, my tolerance and patience with stupid ppl very low...
  • i've been driving quite a bit lately, just have to get my lisence. GG my flatmate has been throwing me in the deep end... making me drive on the highway during the rain... that was hell... but i'm still alive and the car is in tact.
  • valentines/ singles awareness as i like to call it was crap... decided to do the opposite of wot i did last yr, i went to work fully kitted in goth gear and got flowers from a friend with a card saying "happy f#cking tuesday" that nite i came home and got drunk on my own ha ha ha... the goth look lingered a bit, my nails were gonna be black for a while anyway... so.. i went with it...
  • my social life... well still not sure i have one of those, been trying to go out a bit more frequently, mostly to places where my favourite local dj's are performing... Pimp Squad are brilliant! they make everyone else here sound like amateurs... and as for the boys... dont have time for that BS!!! specially wen i hear my coupled friends bitch about their 'marital' problems

other than that... february has been pretty chilled... havnt really done anything special... now for part 3 of 12... gonna be hectic... its concerts and bdays all things are month... mmm... cant wait. its already 1 week into the month and i must say looking up... and up... and up... whoohoo... it's great being me rite now... unfortunately, i didnt stick to my rule of "i'm not reminding people its my bday" i mean really now... its the only day in the year that belongs to me (& albert einstein-altho i was born 99yrs after him) and all that matters too me.. more than freaken gifts is that people wish me a happy birthday and just spend some time with all the people i love... so ... by now everybody knows!!!! he he he

Monday, February 27, 2006

:::my personal favourite posts:::
(yes i've read them all again, well the ones i liked that is)

  • this is me ****
  • thort for the day **
  • CONfidence *****
  • dead like me *****
  • stress related ***
  • Hypocrits ****
  • temporary insanity ***
  • the complete idiots guide to me : chapt 1 *****
  • us girls are worse than u think ****
  • the game ***
  • just a notch in my bedpost ****
  • anger, hurt and many tears ****
  • feels like i'm stuck in reverse ***
  • cynical ***
  • pleased to meet u, i'm naive **
  • i'm lazy, so wot?! ***
  • i'm normal rite? ***
  • u get me ***
  • opportunist men r poo!!! ***
  • the things we do for fun ****
  • its not nicotine ***
  • warranty conspiracy ***
  • so it starts here *****

mmm... its been a long couple of months. the star rating has more to do with how much i njoyed writing that particular post. and i usually only enjoyed the most creative ones... here's to many many more...

alcohol induced destruction

i just dont get it, wen i'm not drinking the hard stuff i'll have a beer or a cider in the bottle. there's nothing like one of those ice cold bevvies , they go down so well, i almost drink it like i do water cos its not quite whiskey,
(we all know i like to sip my JD)
anyway with the bottel being ice cold, water condences on the bottel and without thinking, bottle in hand, i start peeling off the labels... every single one of them.
  • starting with the one on the front, nice and slow, keeping it in tact,
  • then its the one on the back, same procedure.
  • then i put the sticky sides together
  • then the one on the neck, sticking it onto the 2 i already have or if there's no sticker on the neck and its the foil... same procedure... nice and slow
  • then i crumple the whole thing and throw it away

at this point i'm usually done drinking the beer/cider and its time to start the whole routine all over again...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

kno wot i'm sayn

in this modern fst passed lyf, wit emails, blogs sms's & the lyk. i often find myself writin & typin in sort sms styl during the day...
it reali isnt that cool cos as i may b sms'n ppl & mailin ppl all kindsa fun-e stuf thru-out the day, i also hav 2 send NB mail 2 my bosses & clients & suppliers & often hav 2 pruf read the dam thing 2 make shaw i dnt send 'em sumthin jst alil less proffessional than im supposed 2. imagin snding ur boss sumthin lyk this post ... OMG!! he'l hit the roof... he mite evn ruf u up. & u kno how e-z it that can b cn that iv ben trying 2 multi-tsk by wrking & playn @the same tym.
ROTFLMFAO... c wot i mean. Lyk wtf?!?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ai papi !!!

The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love
Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me
I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies
Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts
Dripping down my chin
Your taste is something Godiva couldn't re-create
Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness
Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes
In my daydreams
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then
Thinking of you in inappropriate places
I get Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place
As wetness develops my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a backdraft and all I want you to do is extinguish it
You know my body like the back of your hands
And touch me and send me into ecstacy
My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high
Body rising
Make-up melting
Pulling my hair and
Scratching my back
I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name
You f#$king me makes me bilingual
I see your tongue pink between your lips and
I want it between mine
And I struggle
As you lick torturing me
I try to get away but
Not really
Running out of room begging for more up against the wall that has been scuffed
by my stilletos
You pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still
And I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me
Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told
You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you
You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it
Again and
My face radiates with after-glow
My pillow scented by you
A fragrance which haunts me
My room smells of the best sex
Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me
Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history
You f#$king me makes me bilingual

Sunday, February 12, 2006

valentine's.. the build up

Nobody Wants To Be Lonely
Artist: Ricky Martin with Christina Aguilera

Nobody wants to be lonely

Nobody wants to cry

My body's longing to hold you

So bad it hurts inside

Time is precious and it's slipping away

And I've been waiting for you all of my life

Nobody wants to be lonely, so why

Why don't you let me love you

negative marking

this is the wrong answer...

Friday, February 10, 2006

that feeling....

U know the one I’m talking about, everyone must have felt it at least once in their lives.
That instant connection u feel with someone u’ve practically just met, but it feels like u’ve known them a lifetime… it’s the feeling of being completely comfortable with someone where u say whats on ur mind and ur not trying to impress or not afraid of how they’ll react. It’s wanting to spend every second of ur day with them, no uncomfortable silences, no bordum …nothing is awkward,

its that childlike playfulness, the internal smile when u think of them, its feeling completely content when gazing into their eyes… its being excited about waking up in the morning cos it means u get to see them, it’s the feeling u get when ur half asleep and u feel their arms around u, its long deep conversations about nothing in particular…
its cuddling in front of the tele when its pouring outside, its knowing their every move, gestures and their smiles, and their smell, the feel of their soft skin, and their lips, its realizing that it just feels rite… its knowing what they’re thinking… knowing just how to make them laugh and feel better, its feeling good about urself, its that feeling that makes u feel like u can achieve absolutely anything… its wot u feel wen their hand fits perfectly in urs…
its missing them wen they just in the next room… its someone thinking ur the hottest thing since hell when ur hair’s a mess, ur eyes are puffy and ur make up smudged… its someone knowing all there is to know about u, the good and the bad…

and they still want to be with u.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1 down 11 to go

2006 so far:
  • went on an awesome trip to mozambique, ate the yummiest prawns eva.
  • lost a good friend, ppl confuse me sometimes, they dunno wot they want.
  • back at a job i've now grown to hate but i'm too responsible and have no time to find a new job
  • met an extraordinary person who's changed my outlook on men quite a bit. he's just so different from all the rest... yeah i know wot u're thinking, they all seem different in the begining... but his whole approach, his whole caring nature is different from the rest... unfortunatley i let him get away... stupid stupid stupid girl...
  • read a really cool book called 'he's just not that into you' about men and the truth about wot they really mean wen they say:........ '
  • bought a cool little car i cant legally drive around yet
  • i'm broke as all hell cos of the little car i cant race around in

thats about it... just waiting for part 2 of 12....

Monday, January 16, 2006

the future looks brite in 2006

My Acceptance speech

Well not quite the kind of speech u’re expecting… but just another of my brain farts exposed in cyberspace, like a declaration that woteva life throws my way I will make it, it makes me stronger and wiser… just by accepting that shit happens – no more ‘why me syndrome’, that attitude also has u saying ‘bad things always happen to me’ and that statement rite there… u put it out into the universe, the universe hears u, its like u willing bad things to happen to u… u will it and it will happen. I’m not even depro anymore… it was just a short phase. I’m basically gonna throw out all the hurt and pain cos now I’ve accepted it and I forgive myself and I think I need to say it out load, so to speak… like I’ve said before this blog is like closure for my soul… closing of a chapter of my life... so here goes... from the beginning of MY time:

- Abused as a child not by 1 but by 2 different men at different times in my childhood… was introverted growing up.
- Growing up with the drunken fights and being the eldest and probably cos I had a great memory, always being dragged into it by mom being made to confirm stories and always being accused of taking sides. So I don’t confirm anything, then I’m accused of covering up. Grew up believing mom hated me and wanted me out her life also cos it seemed me being there aggravated their fights…
- (I know it sounds contrary to the previous point but we had the best of everything, went to good schools) Loving parents often strict but also easy going, who I know raised me very well but who maybe hit us just a little too hard that u really cant sit and wen ur ass is stinging so bad u use ur hands to shield the blows u walk around with black and blue wrists too. Got my last big hiding aged 16… I guess I did deserve that one but it didn’t need to be so bad.
- Trying to kill myself all those millions of times… I hate to admit it but also considering doing it a few months back… I wont tho I have a new lease on life… life is an opportunity too good to pass up.
- Mom’s suicide attempt… not good for me, grew up with so much resentment towards her as if I didn’t think little of her already… I also think I’m the only one of the kids who really knows about it… how could I forget, I found her body convulsing…
- My 1st kiss was also forced on me… I felt so violated… trapped… hated men… thort that that was all they’r all after and always said that I’ll never ‘make love’ if I ever have intercourse it would probably be forced on me too… careful wot u wish for… being a tomboy I also physically bullied guys… taking back some of the power they kept taking from me.
- Got a lot of attention from boys around that time in my life looking back I really was cute back then… I was labelled ice queen… so wot who cares… growing up I was always told I’m beautiful… being an attractive girl was not a blessing for me I hated my looks and blamed them for the way men constantly chose to abuse me, so I became a fatty… but fat chics r sexy too… didn’t make much difference.
- wen I became interested in boys… they were just that… boys… the younger they r the less likely they wud want to have sex like older guys would…
- always felt like the duck among the swans wen with my varsity friends… got only the ugly guys.. then I ‘slipped’ I met an older guy… he seemed so sweet and nice… I was alone with him only twice and that second time he rapes me… well he wanted to call it ‘making love’ and even after I said no and explained that I’d been abused and didn’t feel comfortable making love to someone I didn’t love… u always think u know how u’ll react in any situation… I froze… I didn’t give this man a beating like I thort I would in that situation… careful wot u wish for… I didn’t report it… I just wanted to forget it ever happened and make it disappear…
- became a real bitch towards men really quickly… they were all dogs in my eyes! Withdrew from my church and unfortunately also from my studies…
- dad’s company went bankrupt… go from having the best of anything to living hand to mouth.
- During one of their usual drunken fights while trying to get them to keep it down… mom pipes up that I’ll learn all about men some day and stop trying to cover for my dad… I lose it and blurt out that I know exactly wot men r like… I mention the abuse and the rape and shocked at myself I run off to my room… dad in after me… pushing and shoving me around interrogating me… screaming and shouting that I let those things happen to me, that it was all my fault.. he storms off leaving me there in a heap on the floor crying… for the 1st time since I was older, my mom holds me and cries with me and tells me she loves me and that its not my fault… and she called me baby… and she said she was sorry she wasn’t there for me… we’ve been close ever since. My dad and i… not even a little close.
- I spent my time on the internet, the only relationships I could handle were virtual ones… u get to be as open as u want… no fear of seeing someone’s reaction… it’s the most honest thing… u’re free to say wotever u want… I met a boy… he was so funny and sensitve… we fell inlove… i cant squeeze 4.5yrs into a paragraph… I moved 1100km away from everyone and everything I knew with no money… just a job. We struggled but we were really happy back then… until we weren’t so happy anymore… to cut a long story short… I was left feeling inadequate, ugly, insecure, not worthy and made to feel really stupid… and I cheated on him… but I’d warned him for over a yr prior to the cheating that wot I wasn’t getting at home I’d get somewhere else. he didnt change, we even went for therapy-which only explains one’s actions,it doesn’t solve the problems… we fell apart… it was a nasty break up mainly bcos we’d bought a house, power struggles.(we’ve since moved on and 2yrs later became good friends again) I had a run in with the law and on a separate occasion was beaten in the face by a bouncer in a club for no other reason than his steroids had just kicked in… anyway I was thrown out of the home I’d helped put together… out on the street. and stupidly just signed over my half amounting R175k to him... its only money, i'll make my own. i'm not materialistic so also left alot of my things there.. left with my clothes and a few kitchen items.
- Once again I struggled… I was on my own… and in a world of debt (enuf to buy a new car out the box)… no money for food at the end of the month… i rented an expensive little room from a freaky little pervert of a man that I really cud not afford, only cos it was close to work and even then, I walked an hr in the morning and at night in the dark to get to and from work… not having money made me spend even more money that I didn’t have cos in a warped and twisted way it made me feel better..
- I moved house again… could not stay with the freaky one... things started looking up… even got a new bf… I was really and truly happy… we were so inlove… there was no world outside us… and he helped me thru tough times, helped me believe in myself again… he helped me sort out so much of the issues I had in my head and my life… we always talked for hrs…helped me get a night job which would eventually help me clear my debt… then for reasons I’m sure his dragon mother would rather he didn’t exactly share with me too truthfully… I lost the love of my life… I had never felt so much pain in my life… I really wanted to die, yes i tried… there was absolutely nothing wrong in our relationship and ‘just like that’ its over and I’m supposed to accept it… now its easy to accept cos he’s changed so much that I don’t even like who he is now…
- I wanted to study, applied to a really good school. I made it thru the interview and worked my ass off to pay the non-refundable deposit (saved just more than a month’s salary) to get into a good private school and just couldn’t get any bank to finance it. Even if I worked the 2jobs for another yr I could only save for 1yrs tuition. And it was a full time course…
- At the same time got really sick… and for me to take a sick day at work u must know it was bad. I was haemorrhaging… and in extreme pain, so much so I couldn’t sleep, stand sit or walk. Went to see a gynaecologist… that experience was expensive.. felt violated… anyway, don’t think he knew wot he was talking about cos I asked if it’s my contraception and he said it wasn’t and to continue taking it… but every time I did… the bleeding and the pain started up again. Self diagnosis- stay off pill for yr till its out my system. Just hope I can still have kids.
- Left my job that I hated… had a fall out with ‘mother superior’ or ‘my regional bitch’ cant decide wot to call her but I can think of names that I cant publish here and would be blacklisted from the company forever… would go nowhere in that company… couldn’t go overseas like I planned as my payout wen I left was not enuf… and then I sat unemployed for 6 months…. going for job interviews... desperate... Suffering insomnia, comfort eating, loneliness and depression with suicidal tendancies…
- I’ve lived with only 2 regrets… I’ve hated myself for them… I was careless twice in my life and someone else paid dearly for my poor judgment… I don’t care if my choices end up hurting me cos I know I can handle pretty much anything life dishes out… well I think my history speaks for itself but wen someone else is hurt and has to deal with pain that I could have prevented, it hurts me a million times more than it would, if it were to happen to ME… sorry mom… u’re a big girl so I know u handled that situation… but I’m so so so sorry Dana. It still breaks my heart to think about it and u were and still are such a brave and beautiful girl. I’m sorry I didn’t take revenge… but karma will sort that out.

having said all that... i have a new job, career making stuff this... which i love but i'm dreading going back to tomoro... i've been on leave for so long... grrr... i still have great friends who love me and a loving family and i'm on the hunt for a car... so things are really looking good for 2006

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Foxtrot Unicorn Charlie Kilo

like OMG!!!
i check out my blog and its been almost a month since my last 'confession'... like WTF???
and today i was just soooo hectic that i completely left a couch surfer stranded... i feel like the lowest scum of the earth rite now... hope the dude is still in jhb... gotta make it up to him!!! shame man... hey dude welcome to SA...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

u can call me....

i met with a old friend from high school... she left port elizabeth 12yrs ago... lived in jhb for 2yrs and moved to london... became a model who's face i saw on fashion tv... she even graced the covers of vogue and mags like that... she changed her name... and trust me the new name is much cooler....
from this day foreward i will be known as :
Jesse Dalton...
the 1st name is the name of a childhood pet
and the last name , the name of the street i lived on when i was growing up...
i think its sounds pretty cool
(heard that's how u come up with a stage name in a movie actually - i think it was 'full frontal')

Monday, October 24, 2005

this is me

The eternal quest is about finding urself and getting to know who u are. When u’re a kid u don’t know who u are, u actually don’t care… actually u didn’t know u needed to know. U wake up and life’s a big adventure, ure bright eyed, innocent, pure, not a care in the world, always learning, na?ve and invincible, not jaded, not afraid to run, jump, fall, get hurt or speak ur mind, ur only plans are what toy to play with today…

(I guess times have changed and its all about ps2 and x-box now)

but its cool being a kid… generally speaking that is… I have my own box of skeletons but all in all it was cool growing up…
its all about perspective… and as u grow ur perspective changes…

Teen yrs… ah awkward puberty… luckily for me I didn’t have to battle with acne or spots… my only problem was growing boobs, I couldn’t handle the attention they got… loved and hated the attention… its worse for boys tho… I remember laughing my ass off at their voices breaking… anyway… as a teen I thort I knew who I was… thort I had it all figured out… teens generally care too much about wot others think… once again I was lucky, in that I didn’t care wot others thort of me… I still don’t… anything but ordinary, little miss non-conformist I like to call myself, dare to be different…To be like everyone else would be so boring… Eccentric… Freaky… Unconventional… Strange… Weird… Wacky… Doesn’t matter… I’m honest…I stand out…I have fun… I’m fun to be around… no matter wot I’m going through I’m always smiling. I’m different. I am me and I’m not easily forgotten.

perspective changes from teens to early 20’s… once again u think u’ve found urself and u have it all figured out… moved 1200km away from home, had a long time bf, bort a house, planned to get married and have kiddies…

now at 27 (almost 28) perspective has changed once again… no longer with the 1st boyfriend, not even with the 2nd one anymore either… now working on a career as opposed to the silly little job I had… even my plans for the future have change… and my focus>>> is me… me njoying life, njoying my family and njoying my friends… I look back and read my old diaries and I laugh at the way I used to think… and I thort I knew who I was and that, that was who I was gonna be forever… its amazing how much I’ve grown… and probably continue to grow… of course we cant change that much… the foundations of our personalities will always be there…

I love who I am now…

and I welcome the next phase of this metamorphosis…

bring on the early 30’s

Monday, October 17, 2005

time on my hands...

... and thorts in my head...
i just read thru every post i've eva written
and its weird how much time u have on ur hands
is relative to how much u have to say...
my 1st post compared to my previous post...
well its not so much about how much i have to say...
({[quantity vs quality]})
i just find my earlier posts are more entertaining...
if i just stumbled accross this blog and read just october's posts...
i wouldnt bother with the rest...
...mental note to self...
think before u write

the sweet smell of...

it bites...
as much as it makes life easier it also makes it harder wen it fails. we depend so much on computers and similar machinery but if we'r without that convenience (even for a few hrs) u can lose a days worth of productivity.
today for example - i'm supposed to receive faxes from agents all over the country... but not just regular faxes, web faxes (they end up going straight to my personal email inbox)... the information i get from these, i then put into a spread sheet, then make the neccesary graphs and shit, and finally draw up a presentation for our clients... my biggest campaign (all R2mils of it) didnt run this weekend, thank gawd!!!
but the little baby campaign did... so i really didnt have that much to do today, but our server was down,(no external mail or freaken faxes coming in) then at 2:30pm it was sorted out... but by this time there was one hell of a backlog that by 5pm (once my boss had told me not to worry about it and to do it 1st thing tomoro morning) i still hadnt received a thing
(sorry for being a pain mr IT guy)
i of course didnt know that the faxes werent coming in becos of this and proceeded to hound my local promoters and of course the agents dealing with the rest of the country, thinking they'd all just sent it to the wrong number
(fyi i'm new and they may not have all my contact details)
so... i look forward to tomoro...
*takes a sip from the glass of red wine*
wot???!!!! i know its a school nite... oh sshh... its been a long day!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


u know wot sux... i dont have time for my blog anymore... i sit at work all day with an open internet line... but i'm just so swampt with work i barely manage to check emails... let alone think up stuff to write, then i get home and work on my laptop for hrs... and go to sleep at 1... like i'm about to do now... sigh... i miss it... i love writing... i love too many things...

Life is Beautiful

wot is it about having a job that makes u feel valued... worth something!!! like u actually make a difference in the world... granted i make a difference in ppl's lives without having a job... but now i feel important, needed,as opposed to insignificant... even if i won the lotto jackpot i'd still work. if i didnt i'd drive myself insane... of course i could shop, travel, take up hobbies, learn languages, instruments, dance and all kinds of things... but once u've done it all.... then wot??

Thursday, October 06, 2005


new position, available immediately. applicant must have no will to live and be willing to die for nothing. all applicants will be considered. no closing date for applications. applications to be sent to the bali suicide bomber association.

this is heart breaking... but y must innocent people... children... be caught in the cross fire of a mess such as this?? there r really sick ppl out there... with no regard for human life. i dont care wot u wana do to urself but dont hurt others!!!!

wot a day...

so i got a job working as a campaign manager for a marketing company... they needed me to start yesterday... my 1st day on the job was quite hectic.. yes i know wot u're thinking~ i've been out of work so long i dont remember how hectic real work actually is but i must tell u that the staff turnover at this place is so high... cos the pressure is so high... and many ppl dont stick around very chic resigned today... hence the hectic workload on day one... today being day 2... even worse... but i must say i enjoy it! also i'd rather be stressed about work than stress about having no work...
the whole package is really cool... more about that another day,now...
its time for bed...
not used to waking up so early or doing so much work
i'm knackered!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

sexy on a man

mmm... mmm... mmm.....

mmm... i love pink on a man rite now...
i love undies on a man... but not wen its baggy and ends up looking like poopy pants... its not even about having an underwear model's physic... rather get them in a smaller size... i wanna see ur sexy ass :)

tears are so sexy on a man... its so touching wen a man cries infront of u... it just about breaks my heart... i just wish they'd do it more often... or rather that more of them would do it... it's like they've been programmed into thinking they'r not allowed... there's nothing wrong with it at all... its such a turn on for me... plus... why bottle everything up???

need i say more.....??? man holding baby... mmm... so sexy

i love a man who can fix stuff... i dont see the point in calling someone in to do something u could do urself... most guys today just dont have a clue... and please... no plumber bum!

men in uniform r so sexy... ooh..ooh... pick me, pick me... i'm a pyromaniac... grrrowl....

i cook very well... and i love food... but a man who can cook is soooo sexy... of course if he can pull off the naked chef look thats even better...

lastly .... there's only one more thing that i can think of that would look uber sexy on a man rite now... (except for me of course)that would have to be my fury white handcuffs...

oh boys... queue here... he he he

thort for the day

DONT FROWN!! u never know who could be falling inlove with your smile ;)

Thursday, September 29, 2005

i live...

because i open my eyes every morning.
that means i still have something to achieve in this life!

Proudly South African

in my opinion Prime Circle is the best rock band to come out of SA...
i love their music and they've just launched a new album...
cant wait for it!!
i just love ross the lead singer (2nd from the left) OMG!!!!
his voice sends shivers down my spine and he's sooo hot...
he's got this baby face thing going with a deep husky voice
(like that guy from the calling)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


so many things in this life are overrated....
hey even life is overrated...
but in my opinion there are 5 things that arent....

  • chocolate
  • great sex
  • good music
  • true friends
  • travel


I was always successful in every interview I went to… even turned down a couple job offers in my life…. But now I don’t have any faith in myself anymore… no confidence… unemployed for 5mnths now and so much rejection I’m starting to believe I’m not good for anything… I even applied for a clerical position where I know I’d be bored every single day, the salary was much lower than I’m used to but I need the job and even they don’t want me… the desperation must come across in the interview…. I’m supposed to CON ppl into thinking I’m the right person for the job… how am I supposed to sell myself in interviews wen I don’t believe I’m good enuf myself? This lack of confidence flows over to other areas of my life too… my friends… bless their souls… I love them all to bits… I’m invited out, I even get onto guest lists which is awesome… sometimes ppl say they’r broke but they classify having less than R3k in their accounts as being broke… wen I say I’m broke I mean I cant even buy myself 1drink wen I go out… and I cannot stand having someone pay my way… I know they mean well and I really appreciate it but it makes me feel uncomfortable… I'm afraid to order water cos they mite just ask me "still or sparkling?"… then there’s men… maybe if I wasn’t so lonely and someone liked me I’d like myself again… but even the guy that I was sorta maybe kinda interested in who actually wanted to date me has lost interest… the last time I saw him he was so keen to see me again but even he’s ignoring me… I guess I should be happy i still have my health… so... here I am feeling all poofy… feeling ugly, feeling stupid and feeling low.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


i just dont get it. blonde girl walks in, nothing spectacular about her at all... i can say this cos i can certainly admire a beautiful woman... face, body-boobs and bum, height.... nothing special.... but guys drool!!!! i'm not saying that there arent gorgeous blondes out there... there are... but if u're blonde (and possibly fugly) guys think u're hot. its like a birth right or something... i still dont get it... i've seen girls go from plain looking blonde bimbo to sexy sultry brunette vixen... but guys just dont c it!!
please explain it to me!!

oh look....

the insomnia is back... its lovely cos it puts me in such a fantastic mood my day is practically ruined. the funny thing is that i probably wont sleep tonite cos i'm in such a bad mood... AARGH!!!! i need sex!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

dead like me...

life is short and death is long… so they say… imagine a life without purpose, a life without love, a lonely life, a life without a job no matter how much u try, a life without work means no money and u can do nothing but wait on ur own all day and all nite, a life without happiness and a life without goals-well u may have goals, but if u cant achieve them due to limited resources then u mite as well not have goals at all… so wots the difference, this life feels a lot like death to me….

stress related

lets c, there’s weight loss (or in my case weight gain, regardless of 5wks of training and eating rite) there’s the constant bad mood/suicidal/depression/frustration probably also has to do with the whole quitting smoking thing, then there's also the upset tummy which is aggravated by the consumption of junk food, the interviews have been fun but the lack of job offers leaves me feeling worthless and inadequate… this is embarrassing but there’s the sweaty feet problem (don’t ask) and there’s the insomnia… and all of this leaves me even more depressed than i was… no job, no money, fat body, lonely, want a man, tired, sweaty feet and all I want is a ciggie. I mean rather that than have a drink rite??? well rite now I got the insomnia in check…. Its been a week of sleep… deep DEEP sleep… I have a collection of crystals and I used to sleep with them under my pillow and take them where ever I went but somehow with all the travelling I’d been doing, lost them, more like forgot about them…so I find them, meditate a little put them under my pillow and proceed to have the best sleep I’ve probably had in months… waking up was a mission…. Even without meditating I sleep so deeply I struggle to wake up. So if I meditate just rite maybe I wont wake up… maybe I’ll die in my sleep… u know u can do that- the mind is a powerful thing, I knew a woman who died that way… she’d lost her will to live and we saw her a week before and she seemed different and in retrospect she probably knew that was the last time we’d see her…alive that is… I’m just so tired of ‘hanging in there’ i wana get away.. maybe I’m not ready to die but I’m so tired of this struggle its been 5months and I know ‘everything happens for a reason be patient’ blab bla bla ‘the rite job/man will come ur way’ bla bla… i wanna pack wot I need and disappear, travel into deepest darkest Africa…
on expidition in malawi and mozamique I met so many ppl from all over the world just doing that… no care in the world other than income for which they relied on odd jobs and shelter which they got from the many generous ppl they met along the way and they’d travel from village to city, from country to country… mmm...

Friday, September 16, 2005


earlier this morning i type a really long post and just as i'm about to publish the damn think my pc bombs on me... i entually come back logon... click on 'recover post' and there's nothing there.. aargh!!! this week can only get worse!

Thursday, September 15, 2005


mmm... thats wot u call someone who tells u wot to do or wot not to do, they may give u reasons, yet they then go and do the exact opposite of wot they expext of u.its that whole 'do as i say not as i do' crowd... the type to say 'learn from my mistakes'.
now wot do u call someone who tells u not to do something for wot eva reason but they themselves have never done it and would have no idea wot its like. so cant actually give proper 'guidence' , i'd sooner listen to the hypocrit cos at least they know wot they're talking about wen they tell u not to do something.
back to that other person again... that's the type who would judge ppl and pigeon-hole them, not realsiing that things are not just
black and white... in this modern society there sooo much room for grey (it may be a boring colour, but its actually fun living in the grey area) i know know... morally or religiously not such a great idea... society has changed, specifically for the worst, but certain things may not be that bad anymore...
  • piercings and tattoos : the conservative folk have it in their heads that only punks and bikers have those and if u have them too... they expect u to ride around on a chopper in tite leather and ripped denim ready for a brawl, i guess they expect some body odour too
  • shaving ur pubez : only promiscuous girls do that
  • dont maturbate : u'll grow hairy palms. well i do, and my palms look fine to me... i'd rather relieve the tension in this way than running around being promiscuous... nothing wrong with solo sex. plus it relieves stress. all i wanna know is, how often, is too often???
  • living in sin : how on earth r u supposed to really get to know someone enuf for u to want to spend the rest of ur life with them, until u live with them and see if u can live with each others habits. no wonder the divorse rate is so high.
  • dont wear revealing clothing : u'll be raped... granted u mite be, stats say that 1 in 3 women in this country will be raped at least once in her lifetime, but then explain to me why grannies, babies, and toddlers r raped too these days... they dress too provocatively????
  • no sex b4 marriage : i know how green i was wen i first started, no i wasnt married, i did wait till i was almost 22, but i wasnt married and i was ready. but i played around experimenting and learning how to do things. having skills in the bedroom may make it harder for hubby to get bored and cheat... neglecting wifey who then may also cheat (que that divorse rate again)

i can go on and on about this, but the point is : wot do we call these ppl... wise???

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

temporary insanity

i wouldnt be able to kill another human being, just like that. i couldnt do it for money either, unless i was 200% sure this person was pure unadulterated evil and the whole world would be better off without them in it - like robert mugabe
other than that it would have to be out of self defense or to avenge the murder of a family member or a close friend(they'r like family anyway) i'd have to plead temporary insanity tho, cos there's no way they'd believe me wen they find the mangled body.
i dont want to shoot someone or break their neck or use poison,electricution, forced drowning, suffocation or strangulation.
in the case of self defense i'd prefer to stab them to death, i know thats messy but as sick and demented as it may sound, it would be satisfying...
and to avenge a loved one, i'd chose to physically torture them for days or weeks, however long it takes, all depends on how long it takes them to decide to die...
temporary insanity... i swear... its not premeditated at all!!!

the complete idiots guide to me

Chapter 1 :
How to resolve an issue
  • confront me
  • u'll have ur say
  • i'll have mine
  • apologies will be made

Warning : u must listen wen i tell u to let it go, cos in time it'll blow over. i'm pretty easy going and in a few days all will be forgotten.

i know myself all too well and i know exactly how i'm gonna react if u wanna drag it out and turn it into a bigger issue than it was to begin with, specially since we've each stated our case and apologies have been accepted and u've heard the warning.

and heaven help u (cos only heaven can,actually) i hate fighting but if u want to summon the bitch, the little fight will turn into a full blown war (cos u clearly wont back off) and i will not back off until i've buried ur unrecognisable mauled corpse in my back yard, along side that big issue u've created.

its simple : heed the warning!

We are nothing

we r nothing by timo maas

i'm a believer,
well thats not strictly true
i'm more of a make-believer
but it sort of adds up to the same thing.
here in the lap of the Gods neither party holds a universal truth of my hopes that r like litter on the open road for everybody to drive thru. teetering on the swarf,
my physical limitations dwarfed just by the wonder of living,
brought on from no real reason other than just the wonder of life
and now, being wot i want to be catches up so fast with me,
i have to make up better and newer possibilities just to keep up with myself
and nothing is a problem.
my mouth dry for the heat of endless possible futures
and the sweet promise of tomoro quenching my thirst.
all we need to do now is cheat death for as long as we can,
so that wen the day finally comes
we can pull a clean sheet from our pockets
and write down all that we have achieved,
all that we have seen,
to make sure we have left nothing behind
we r nothing
we r nothing
we r nothing other than that, that we give away for free
we r nothng but the sum total of our parts

Monday, September 12, 2005

mr sandman...

the lack of sleep is really starting to get to me... INSOMNIA>>> i'm edgy and irritable and its not helping the mild depression either... soon i'm sure i wont be able to function as a normal person. i keep thinking all i need is just 1 good nite's sleep... i guess thats not true.. cos in the last 10 weeks i've probably only had 14 good nites and thats just not good enuf... i really just want to sleep.
wen it started my problem was falling asleep, it was either lying there thinking about stupid meaningless crap... and probably fall asleep 2hrs later, but it turned into thinking about serious things and wen its serious, u will not sleep.
sometimes its not the thinking, i find i'm just not comfortable, so i try 2 pillows, then 1 again, then no pillows, then sleep on back, then on either side or stomach... its ridiculous.
i try staying up late watching tv till i'm near exhaustion... everyone knows how easy it is to fall asleep watching a little tele... still not a good 8hrs sleep tho... also tried the warm milk or the hot bath or excersize...
so i try herbal sleeping pills and i fall asleep... but that in itself is stil a bit of a process but it stil helps... it also helps if u have a hairy drink to wash it down with... until 1 nite, i'd taken 2pills around 11, it was 2am when i took another 3... slept well but thats not how it should work... i dont want to have to take pills every night...
new problem... i fall asleep on my own, and wake up at 3am for instance and i lay there... wide awake for hrs... hoping i'm just gonna doze off at any minute, too lazy to get out of bed to take pills, also afraid i take them and i dont wake up on time...
so here i am... writing posts til 4 in the morning...

us girls r worse than u think...

i think there's a misconception that we're nice. i must admit i can only speak for me and the girls who i know well, when i say we'r not. well we r nice but we're still only human. we burp, we fart, we go poopee, we grow the hair on our legs in winter(its cold damit),we perve on guys and yes, we can and will be crude about it. i think in my little circle i maybe the most crude. sometimes, even i'm shocked at the words that come out of my mouth...
but i'll only fill u in on funny things that we come up with on the perving missions:

  • Hit and Run mission>>> kinda like the accident really, cos thats just wot its gonna be: an accident. find him, snog him and run away. u dont want to stick around too long cos u dont want to exchange numbers. u can let him buy u a drink if u want but i dont recommend it. also he may become all territorial on u and become too touchy feely and ppl will think u're together. we usually use this tactic wen the self esteem is low, its just so u know u've still got ur mojo...
  • Oh look girls, a Buffet>>> a group of hot men out together and hopefully single... this is perfect wen u're out in a group with all the girls...
  • Sausage fest>>> well this is wot happens wen we go out and the place is swarming with hot men, and they completely out number the women, kinda like serious all u can eat Buffet.
  • Tag and Release>>> this is in the unfortunate case where we happen to go out and it feels like its a student nite or something and all the 'men' r actually boys... its ok to fool around a little...(a possible hit and run mission) but thats as far as it should go. so if u catch 1 in ur snare, have fun, tag it and release it and one day wen it's big (and manly), track it down. from my experience, dont be fooled tho... i dunno wot they'r feeding the kids today but some of these boys look like they'r men in their mid20's so be careful, these little guys love older women and as flattering as it may be, their little obsession with u can become rather annoying!!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

suicidal bunnies

i walk alot. everyone knows this and they all think i'm loco... i love walking, it helps me think, clear my head or just blow off steam! a few yrs back while going thru the long and ugly break up with my first boyfriend, we argued alot. and one day after hanging up the fone with him, i just needed to vent, but being at work it wasnt easy, i hate crying. couldnt really go for a long walk.. so i just walked into the nearest book shop, walked up and down the isles, look around but not really looking at anything at all either... i grabbed a book of the shelf called The Book Of The Bunny Suicides. started paging thru it and soon felt 1000 times better. its so sad its funny, its a book of illustrations, all in black and white. all about the different ways these bunnies try to kill themselves... u have to laugh, i immediately felt beta. and whenever i'd feel down i'd go and have a look at it and feel better... i know its lame but it works for me. but that was ages ago, i've since stopped working there... and after the break up was final, didnt need to see the book...
years later, when my sister was visiting me in december, she sms's me from somewhere in the mall i worked in, feeling down and sorry for herself... i sms her telling her to meet me at a branch of the same book shop in 5mins. we meet and i walked up and down the isles, not sure if they would still have this silly little book on their shelves so many yrs later, she was confused, not sure wot her crazy sister was up to... and would u believe it, i found it, said 'here page thru this'... her tears soon turned into laughter. i had completely forgotten all about the book until she sms'd me... no-one knew about my little walking missions to check out the dead bunnies... that Christmas wen we exchanged gifts i opened mine only to find that book... that is the best present i have ever received, it really meant alot to me.