Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1 down 11 to go

2006 so far:
  • went on an awesome trip to mozambique, ate the yummiest prawns eva.
  • lost a good friend, ppl confuse me sometimes, they dunno wot they want.
  • back at a job i've now grown to hate but i'm too responsible and have no time to find a new job
  • met an extraordinary person who's changed my outlook on men quite a bit. he's just so different from all the rest... yeah i know wot u're thinking, they all seem different in the begining... but his whole approach, his whole caring nature is different from the rest... unfortunatley i let him get away... stupid stupid stupid girl...
  • read a really cool book called 'he's just not that into you' about men and the truth about wot they really mean wen they say:........ '
  • bought a cool little car i cant legally drive around yet
  • i'm broke as all hell cos of the little car i cant race around in

thats about it... just waiting for part 2 of 12....

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