Monday, September 12, 2005

mr sandman...

the lack of sleep is really starting to get to me... INSOMNIA>>> i'm edgy and irritable and its not helping the mild depression either... soon i'm sure i wont be able to function as a normal person. i keep thinking all i need is just 1 good nite's sleep... i guess thats not true.. cos in the last 10 weeks i've probably only had 14 good nites and thats just not good enuf... i really just want to sleep.
wen it started my problem was falling asleep, it was either lying there thinking about stupid meaningless crap... and probably fall asleep 2hrs later, but it turned into thinking about serious things and wen its serious, u will not sleep.
sometimes its not the thinking, i find i'm just not comfortable, so i try 2 pillows, then 1 again, then no pillows, then sleep on back, then on either side or stomach... its ridiculous.
i try staying up late watching tv till i'm near exhaustion... everyone knows how easy it is to fall asleep watching a little tele... still not a good 8hrs sleep tho... also tried the warm milk or the hot bath or excersize...
so i try herbal sleeping pills and i fall asleep... but that in itself is stil a bit of a process but it stil helps... it also helps if u have a hairy drink to wash it down with... until 1 nite, i'd taken 2pills around 11, it was 2am when i took another 3... slept well but thats not how it should work... i dont want to have to take pills every night...
new problem... i fall asleep on my own, and wake up at 3am for instance and i lay there... wide awake for hrs... hoping i'm just gonna doze off at any minute, too lazy to get out of bed to take pills, also afraid i take them and i dont wake up on time...
so here i am... writing posts til 4 in the morning...


Anonymous said...

hey girl!
i know the feeling! i used to have really bad insomnia. and you walk around like a complete zombie for weeks on end. but you probably already know this. but my insomnia turned out to be other things that i thought wasnt bothering me. and once i sorted those little things out the worrying got less and the sleeping became more! so think about all the little things that need to be finished off and im sure your sleeping patterns will fall back into place.

Anonymous said...

fanx girl!!