Thursday, October 13, 2005


u know wot sux... i dont have time for my blog anymore... i sit at work all day with an open internet line... but i'm just so swampt with work i barely manage to check emails... let alone think up stuff to write, then i get home and work on my laptop for hrs... and go to sleep at 1... like i'm about to do now... sigh... i miss it... i love writing... i love too many things...


Anonymous said...

Teach me how to make time please cos I need about an extra 5 hours in my day *hehehe*

ToXiC said...

i need an extra 8hrs and thats just for sleep... sigh... and 30mins is not enuff... i have so much to say i cant put that much pressure on myself... plus i've worked late every night since i started the new job.... 30mins... not gonna happen... sigh... God shud have a suggestion box... more hrs in the day pls, thanx from sleepless in joburg... ha ha ha....

ToXiC said...

ha ha ha ha.... my me time is lying back, kicking off my shoes, and sadly (i know wot u're thinking-how could she????) having a smoke...