Sunday, September 11, 2005

suicidal bunnies

i walk alot. everyone knows this and they all think i'm loco... i love walking, it helps me think, clear my head or just blow off steam! a few yrs back while going thru the long and ugly break up with my first boyfriend, we argued alot. and one day after hanging up the fone with him, i just needed to vent, but being at work it wasnt easy, i hate crying. couldnt really go for a long walk.. so i just walked into the nearest book shop, walked up and down the isles, look around but not really looking at anything at all either... i grabbed a book of the shelf called The Book Of The Bunny Suicides. started paging thru it and soon felt 1000 times better. its so sad its funny, its a book of illustrations, all in black and white. all about the different ways these bunnies try to kill themselves... u have to laugh, i immediately felt beta. and whenever i'd feel down i'd go and have a look at it and feel better... i know its lame but it works for me. but that was ages ago, i've since stopped working there... and after the break up was final, didnt need to see the book...
years later, when my sister was visiting me in december, she sms's me from somewhere in the mall i worked in, feeling down and sorry for herself... i sms her telling her to meet me at a branch of the same book shop in 5mins. we meet and i walked up and down the isles, not sure if they would still have this silly little book on their shelves so many yrs later, she was confused, not sure wot her crazy sister was up to... and would u believe it, i found it, said 'here page thru this'... her tears soon turned into laughter. i had completely forgotten all about the book until she sms'd me... no-one knew about my little walking missions to check out the dead bunnies... that Christmas wen we exchanged gifts i opened mine only to find that book... that is the best present i have ever received, it really meant alot to me.

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