Friday, February 10, 2006

that feeling....

U know the one I’m talking about, everyone must have felt it at least once in their lives.
That instant connection u feel with someone u’ve practically just met, but it feels like u’ve known them a lifetime… it’s the feeling of being completely comfortable with someone where u say whats on ur mind and ur not trying to impress or not afraid of how they’ll react. It’s wanting to spend every second of ur day with them, no uncomfortable silences, no bordum …nothing is awkward,

its that childlike playfulness, the internal smile when u think of them, its feeling completely content when gazing into their eyes… its being excited about waking up in the morning cos it means u get to see them, it’s the feeling u get when ur half asleep and u feel their arms around u, its long deep conversations about nothing in particular…
its cuddling in front of the tele when its pouring outside, its knowing their every move, gestures and their smiles, and their smell, the feel of their soft skin, and their lips, its realizing that it just feels rite… its knowing what they’re thinking… knowing just how to make them laugh and feel better, its feeling good about urself, its that feeling that makes u feel like u can achieve absolutely anything… its wot u feel wen their hand fits perfectly in urs…
its missing them wen they just in the next room… its someone thinking ur the hottest thing since hell when ur hair’s a mess, ur eyes are puffy and ur make up smudged… its someone knowing all there is to know about u, the good and the bad…

and they still want to be with u.

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