Wednesday, September 14, 2005

temporary insanity

i wouldnt be able to kill another human being, just like that. i couldnt do it for money either, unless i was 200% sure this person was pure unadulterated evil and the whole world would be better off without them in it - like robert mugabe
other than that it would have to be out of self defense or to avenge the murder of a family member or a close friend(they'r like family anyway) i'd have to plead temporary insanity tho, cos there's no way they'd believe me wen they find the mangled body.
i dont want to shoot someone or break their neck or use poison,electricution, forced drowning, suffocation or strangulation.
in the case of self defense i'd prefer to stab them to death, i know thats messy but as sick and demented as it may sound, it would be satisfying...
and to avenge a loved one, i'd chose to physically torture them for days or weeks, however long it takes, all depends on how long it takes them to decide to die...
temporary insanity... i swear... its not premeditated at all!!!

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