Wednesday, November 01, 2006


.... starting to sound like a broken record when i say this but... damit!! where has the time gone... more importantly... what have i been doing with my time... aside from work and trying to find some kind of happiness.... i've just started writing (well typing) my memoirs... yes, lil' ol' me is typing my biography... yes yes i know... who the hell am i?? no-one knows me... i'm not even a little bit famous... but u know what i'm thinking- maybe my book will be my claim to fame(all 5 minutes of it)... who knows... they'll read it at book club and discuss it in depth, hey, Dr Phill may even wanna interview me, cos we sure as hell know there's nothing wrong with me upstairs... problem is that alot of what's published in this blog will probably be in it anyway...
(note to self: dont cut and paste)

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