Monday, February 27, 2006

alcohol induced destruction

i just dont get it, wen i'm not drinking the hard stuff i'll have a beer or a cider in the bottle. there's nothing like one of those ice cold bevvies , they go down so well, i almost drink it like i do water cos its not quite whiskey,
(we all know i like to sip my JD)
anyway with the bottel being ice cold, water condences on the bottel and without thinking, bottle in hand, i start peeling off the labels... every single one of them.
  • starting with the one on the front, nice and slow, keeping it in tact,
  • then its the one on the back, same procedure.
  • then i put the sticky sides together
  • then the one on the neck, sticking it onto the 2 i already have or if there's no sticker on the neck and its the foil... same procedure... nice and slow
  • then i crumple the whole thing and throw it away

at this point i'm usually done drinking the beer/cider and its time to start the whole routine all over again...

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