Tuesday, October 04, 2005

sexy on a man

mmm... mmm... mmm.....

mmm... i love pink on a man rite now...
i love undies on a man... but not wen its baggy and ends up looking like poopy pants... its not even about having an underwear model's physic... rather get them in a smaller size... i wanna see ur sexy ass :)

tears are so sexy on a man... its so touching wen a man cries infront of u... it just about breaks my heart... i just wish they'd do it more often... or rather that more of them would do it... it's like they've been programmed into thinking they'r not allowed... there's nothing wrong with it at all... its such a turn on for me... plus... why bottle everything up???

need i say more.....??? man holding baby... mmm... so sexy

i love a man who can fix stuff... i dont see the point in calling someone in to do something u could do urself... most guys today just dont have a clue... and please... no plumber bum!

men in uniform r so sexy... ooh..ooh... pick me, pick me... i'm a pyromaniac... grrrowl....

i cook very well... and i love food... but a man who can cook is soooo sexy... of course if he can pull off the naked chef look thats even better...

lastly .... there's only one more thing that i can think of that would look uber sexy on a man rite now... (except for me of course)that would have to be my fury white handcuffs...

oh boys... queue here... he he he


donquiseshoot said...

queuing..when will it be my turn?

ToXiC said...

ha ha ha.... where r u??