Monday, September 12, 2005

us girls r worse than u think...

i think there's a misconception that we're nice. i must admit i can only speak for me and the girls who i know well, when i say we'r not. well we r nice but we're still only human. we burp, we fart, we go poopee, we grow the hair on our legs in winter(its cold damit),we perve on guys and yes, we can and will be crude about it. i think in my little circle i maybe the most crude. sometimes, even i'm shocked at the words that come out of my mouth...
but i'll only fill u in on funny things that we come up with on the perving missions:

  • Hit and Run mission>>> kinda like the accident really, cos thats just wot its gonna be: an accident. find him, snog him and run away. u dont want to stick around too long cos u dont want to exchange numbers. u can let him buy u a drink if u want but i dont recommend it. also he may become all territorial on u and become too touchy feely and ppl will think u're together. we usually use this tactic wen the self esteem is low, its just so u know u've still got ur mojo...
  • Oh look girls, a Buffet>>> a group of hot men out together and hopefully single... this is perfect wen u're out in a group with all the girls...
  • Sausage fest>>> well this is wot happens wen we go out and the place is swarming with hot men, and they completely out number the women, kinda like serious all u can eat Buffet.
  • Tag and Release>>> this is in the unfortunate case where we happen to go out and it feels like its a student nite or something and all the 'men' r actually boys... its ok to fool around a little...(a possible hit and run mission) but thats as far as it should go. so if u catch 1 in ur snare, have fun, tag it and release it and one day wen it's big (and manly), track it down. from my experience, dont be fooled tho... i dunno wot they'r feeding the kids today but some of these boys look like they'r men in their mid20's so be careful, these little guys love older women and as flattering as it may be, their little obsession with u can become rather annoying!!

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