Wednesday, March 08, 2006

2 down.. 10 to go

damn... where has the time gone... cant believe its already time for march... bday month for me... well february has been quite cool acually so here goes :

  • work has chilled quite a bit, i was only hectic for 2 weeks of the month and then chilled for 2 weeks, perfect! but this week i had a meeting with the client and they've more than doubled their budget and the workload has trippled, so my assistant starts tomoro. its gonna be alot of hard work, but i look forward to it cos i wont be doing it alone... i'm impressed with how much i've grown in the 5months i've been there. altho i must say that so far this yr 15 ppl have left the company. needless to say my stress levels r high, my tolerance and patience with stupid ppl very low...
  • i've been driving quite a bit lately, just have to get my lisence. GG my flatmate has been throwing me in the deep end... making me drive on the highway during the rain... that was hell... but i'm still alive and the car is in tact.
  • valentines/ singles awareness as i like to call it was crap... decided to do the opposite of wot i did last yr, i went to work fully kitted in goth gear and got flowers from a friend with a card saying "happy f#cking tuesday" that nite i came home and got drunk on my own ha ha ha... the goth look lingered a bit, my nails were gonna be black for a while anyway... so.. i went with it...
  • my social life... well still not sure i have one of those, been trying to go out a bit more frequently, mostly to places where my favourite local dj's are performing... Pimp Squad are brilliant! they make everyone else here sound like amateurs... and as for the boys... dont have time for that BS!!! specially wen i hear my coupled friends bitch about their 'marital' problems

other than that... february has been pretty chilled... havnt really done anything special... now for part 3 of 12... gonna be hectic... its concerts and bdays all things are month... mmm... cant wait. its already 1 week into the month and i must say looking up... and up... and up... whoohoo... it's great being me rite now... unfortunately, i didnt stick to my rule of "i'm not reminding people its my bday" i mean really now... its the only day in the year that belongs to me (& albert einstein-altho i was born 99yrs after him) and all that matters too me.. more than freaken gifts is that people wish me a happy birthday and just spend some time with all the people i love... so ... by now everybody knows!!!! he he he

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