Thursday, September 15, 2005


mmm... thats wot u call someone who tells u wot to do or wot not to do, they may give u reasons, yet they then go and do the exact opposite of wot they expext of u.its that whole 'do as i say not as i do' crowd... the type to say 'learn from my mistakes'.
now wot do u call someone who tells u not to do something for wot eva reason but they themselves have never done it and would have no idea wot its like. so cant actually give proper 'guidence' , i'd sooner listen to the hypocrit cos at least they know wot they're talking about wen they tell u not to do something.
back to that other person again... that's the type who would judge ppl and pigeon-hole them, not realsiing that things are not just
black and white... in this modern society there sooo much room for grey (it may be a boring colour, but its actually fun living in the grey area) i know know... morally or religiously not such a great idea... society has changed, specifically for the worst, but certain things may not be that bad anymore...
  • piercings and tattoos : the conservative folk have it in their heads that only punks and bikers have those and if u have them too... they expect u to ride around on a chopper in tite leather and ripped denim ready for a brawl, i guess they expect some body odour too
  • shaving ur pubez : only promiscuous girls do that
  • dont maturbate : u'll grow hairy palms. well i do, and my palms look fine to me... i'd rather relieve the tension in this way than running around being promiscuous... nothing wrong with solo sex. plus it relieves stress. all i wanna know is, how often, is too often???
  • living in sin : how on earth r u supposed to really get to know someone enuf for u to want to spend the rest of ur life with them, until u live with them and see if u can live with each others habits. no wonder the divorse rate is so high.
  • dont wear revealing clothing : u'll be raped... granted u mite be, stats say that 1 in 3 women in this country will be raped at least once in her lifetime, but then explain to me why grannies, babies, and toddlers r raped too these days... they dress too provocatively????
  • no sex b4 marriage : i know how green i was wen i first started, no i wasnt married, i did wait till i was almost 22, but i wasnt married and i was ready. but i played around experimenting and learning how to do things. having skills in the bedroom may make it harder for hubby to get bored and cheat... neglecting wifey who then may also cheat (que that divorse rate again)

i can go on and on about this, but the point is : wot do we call these ppl... wise???

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