Wednesday, September 07, 2005

the very worst part of YOU is me...

LINKIN PARK - "Lying From You"
I remember what they taught to me
Remember condescending talk of who I ought to be

this is about my x...
spoke to him today...
its such a shame tho...
cos rite now i'd be happier
if i never saw or heard from him again!
a month before we broke up,
or rather he broke up with me,
his darling mom has an hour long discussion with him
about her true feelings regarding our relationship...
and she feels he should date someone more like him:
ambitious, a professional or studying to be one,
coming from the same 'socio economic' background,
and with the same religious beliefs ....

not long afta that discussion,
he calls me and we have a little hour long discussion of our own :
telling me he loves me, doesnt care wot his mom says,
i make him happy, happier than he's ever been,
he may depend on his parents for everything but
if it means we run away, start a life
and leave all this behind then so be it.
his happiness should be more important to her
than the status of his girlfriend,
future wife... bla bla bla...

of course i wasnt only surprised wen
the break up happened a month lata...
i was angry!
y not just break up with me that day cos mommy dearest said so...
y wait a month?
like i'm not gonna think its cos of wot she said.
i was hurt cos i couldnt change wot she hated most about me.

after speaking to him today i realised how much he's changed in the many months we'd been apart, how i dont think we can even be friends.
i'd avoid any contact with him cos it will only tarnish the memories i have of him. he's turned into exactly the type of person his darling mom would want him to be with: a self absorbed pretenscious yuppy

if i remember correctly i think the last time we slept together, after the break up, he made a big hooha about using protection, saying he knows about girls who just wana fall pregnant... like he forgot who he was talking to... he... well the old him knows that money doesnt interest me at all.. my family is extremely close and i would want only that for my kids. i dont want ur money, honey, i wanted ur love... no offense but i dont want to have the kid of someone who doesnt want me...

he's become a stranger, someone i dont even want to be associated with... it leaves me thinking that if we were still together now...
sorry babe, you'd be the very worst part of me...

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