Sunday, September 11, 2005

the game

i believe u can have who ever u want...
it all comes down to how u play the game...

one nite while out with my friends in december, when my little sister was in town, we were at a pool bar, i stood for about an hr perving on the hottest guy in the place. my sister tells me that he's so hot, i tell her i noticed him when we walked in and was trying not to slip and fall on my drool... she then tells me she will score him... i watched in amazement as my then 17yr old sister, 9yrs my junior, walked over to him in full confidence and started chatting to him... within 20mins he was on her like flies on shit.
as far as i'm concerned nothing is sexier than confindence... that oozing of sex appeal is irresistable...

a pretty girl, with a hot body isnt neccesarily sexy... its not wot u wear or how little u wear but rather how u carry urself, having that 'presence'... ppl notice u wen u walk into a room... not just walk>>> u strut!!
in my unbiased opinion my sister is beautiful, she may not have the greatest bod, but she sure as hell oozes sex appeal... so do i... except that i would never have the balls to approach any man and start up a conversation... fear of rejection... without sounding vain, i wasnt always as hot as i am now and know all too well how shitty it feels being constantly dissed by guys... 'take one for the team' kinda nasty...
so this means u can have any man u want, its all about havin the rite attitude,
my big problem is that i completely lose the plot wen it comes to guys i really like. instead of letting out my usual brain farts, i experience a brain freeze. afraid to be as funny, as insightful, as intelligent, as confident or as affectionate as i really am. too scared the real me isnt good enuf...they dont get to know all of ME fully and wen they bugger off, i say its cool cos they didnt really know me anyway... but then with guys i'm not into, i am myself... i have lots of guy friends, i dont really get on well with girls, specially girly girls... u know the kind-gossips-cries when they break a nail-need a man to do things for her like carry heavy things-change a lite bulb and 2pid things like that... Aargh!! the only girl-friends i have are chics like me. anyway so i end up with a string of fans, who are my friends who i'm not into like that.... they think i'm the coolest chic and wanna date me... and i just couldnt, it would be like incest... ah, the hard life of a sex goddess!

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