Wednesday, August 17, 2005

the things we do for fun...

i met with a friend yesterday and while talking to her about something that slips my mind rite now, i get a flashback of something really embarrassing that i did once :
myself and a friend of mine decided to raid the local clinic of all it's freebee condoms, (see they have a steel box outside so its easy access to the pulic) anyway, i knew the clinic closed at 3pm. so we went there at 4pm. i walk out the car trying to look as inconspicuous as i possible, my friend waiting in the get-away car with the engine running. i knelt down and started filling my handbag, i then noticed some people still inside the clinic... whoops... oh well, i'm already doing this and looking greedy on my knees with my handbag wide open and half full, just carry on... only quicker! on my brisk walk back to the car... a woman taking a smoke break on the roof of the next building shouts to me in her typically 'cape coloured' accent : don't be shy... and she has a good laugh. of course we piss ourselves all the way home. we then split the fruits of our contraceptive acquisition mission... that nite my boyfriend at the time asked me if i tried to call him... or that i must have dialed his number by mistake... cos all he heard was girls laughing...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. i remember that. crazy girls. and u brought up like 300 condoms!