Friday, August 19, 2005

make love, not war...

so i'm waiting for this month to end... apparrently mars is in orbit and close to earth in the month of august... its supposed to peak on the 25th and in case u're wondering...and maybe once i've said it, it'll all make sense to u: in astrological terms mars represents the GOD OF WAR!!!
now if u think back to the last few weeks... how many arguements u've been in, how many of ur friends have or are on the vurge of breaking's that road rage??? do u notice all the agression around u???
"Mars, the god of war, is tall and handsome, but vain and cruel. When Mars heard the clashing of arms, he grinned with glee, put on his gleaming helmet, and leapt into his war chariot. Brandishing his sword, he rushed into the thick of battle, not caring who won or lost as long as blood was shed. A vicious crowd followed at his heels, carrying with them Pain, Panic, Famine and Oblivion"
look mars isnt all bad...
"Mars is the action Planet of the Zodiac. Mars speaks to the power and confident expression of the individual. It's important to note that Mars's energy can be constructive or destructive. The God of War in ancient times, Mars could be brutally violent. While this energy still emanates from the Planet, it also asks us to harness this force for good. Stamina, ambition and achievement are all part of Mars' mantra.
Mars rules our sexuality and sexual energy, and governs weapons, accidents and surgery (the last two illustrating the yin and yang nature of this Planet). In the end, however, the energy of Mars can be quite useful if used properly.."
i'm a lover, not a fighter... so, while i take full advantage of the sexual energy that mars brings with it this month, maybe its time we all learnt to like things a little rough.... put that agression to some good use ;) viva le passion!!!

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