Monday, August 29, 2005


these words words in a song by one of my current favourite musicians jack johnson "I gave your friends all a chance But putting up with them Wasn’t worth never having you..."
this is how i feel about romantic relationships... i've lost hope in such a thing... i feel that dealing with all the pain u feel wen its over is sooo not worth never having loved at all...
been hearing guys talking to me lately
....yadda yadda
wanting to date me
....yakkity yak
how they'll never hurt me
....bla bla bla
i do hear u
i see ur lips moving
kinda looks like ur saying something
but i'm not listening


Anonymous said...

i really like this... and i like the fact that you're able to say you're not listening.

are you really able to do that though?

Anonymous said...

i totally agree girl! but sometimes there is someone that really means it and when you find that person you will start listening!

Anonymous said...

hey diana... its really hard to do tho, both listening as well as not listening, specially cos i'm so lonely rite now>>>> damit, now i have that damn song stuck in my head!!! Aargh!!!!

Anonymous said...

i like wot marie said... when you find that person you will start listening.

i guess we have something to look forward to ;)