Sunday, August 21, 2005

opportunist men are poo!!!

bonnie tyler sings : where have all the good men gone??
i'm not a bonnie tyler fan but like her i'm wondering about the same thing. maybe i'm just hanging out with all the wrong guys at the moment (this is recent)and it seems they flock together too... they have a large following and i'm thinking: how many groups of men, like this, are there out there, should women be warned?? do women know or even care? do women think that all men are like this?? do women accept this?? should i?? or should i climb back into my cocoon??
i'm talking about the kind of guys who have LITTLE OR NO RESPECT FOR WOMEN and think that we'r all just here for a good time (even if she's so inebriated that she wont remember this, thats even better)
i've had LOTS of bad experiences with men in my past, starting at childhood and it has taken me MANY years to learn that i CAN actually trust them but now it seems that some of their species are letting the good men down...
the thing that worries me most, is this: all the guys that i've met already and i believe are good men, IS THAT IT? is that all of them?? how will i ever know?? i'm on the vurge of climbing back into my coccoon and letting only a select few in... by now i'm pretty good at sussing out the dodgy ones but there are those skilled enough who slip under my Dodge-Dude-raDar and surprise me... they come across as 'NICE' i just dont seem to see through the sheep's clothing until later... i think i must cherish all the good men in my life, i've only just realised how RARE they really are...

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