Wednesday, August 17, 2005

warranty conspiracy

so, i've had this nokia 6230 almost a yr... in fact i've had it 11months and 17 days and it's suddenly starting to give me shit. its as if they deliberately have a 1yr warranty on the fone cos they know it'll start self destructing after a yr or maybe they'v just built the fone with a special little selfdestruct mechanism set to happen at exactly 1yr so u have to fork out tom to have it fixed. well sorry for u... i still have 13days. HA HA HA ha ha...
my fone stopped vibrating a few months ago... just left it, i dont really need it to vibrate... thats wot vibrators are for he he he... yesterday morning i enabled a screen-saver on my fully charged fone and by late afternoon my battery was sitting on 1bar... ok fine... maybe its the screen-saver. no problem, i'll simply dis-enable it.. its cool but i dont need it. so i go to bed last nite, with, once again, a fully charged fone... got a couple sms's, so i respond, my funky little fone tells me 'message sending failed', damn no signal in my room again!!!! so i get up out of my warm bed... stand holding it near my window...i'll just resend... then it says 'still sending previous message'... OMFG! IT'S ALIVE... never seen a response like that from a fone... snazzy...wot other tricks can u do?? so i wait(by the window).. then resend... i get the same shit... i leave it and climb back into bed... as i lay there i hear the faint lil warning tone the fone makes, i look at it and it says 'message sending failed'... so i'm thinking... ok woteva! i hear the tone again.. look, same message... so like duh fone, i stopped sending messages... hello??!!! this happened all nite... well of course i fell asleep , not stupid enough to check it everytime. wake up this morning only to find a corpse of a fone laying next to me... i charge it once again... wen i turned it on i had 6sms's in my inbox.. and these were sent around the time wen i was still fiddling with the settings...
now this evening its as if all the words i'v saved in my predictive text dictionary have gone, also my fone is set to be loud but its so soft...wot IS loud, is that freaken warning tone and, NO! fiddling with the settings doesnt change a thing. i make a call and its on loud speaker, wots next?? oh look... its on 1 bar again!

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