Thursday, August 18, 2005

warranty conspiracy part II

so now it vibrates... and the battery has lasted me 2 days... this being day number 2... its on 4bars.... Aargh!!!!!!!!! was gonna take it in today but they wont believe me!!!!

its not nicotine part II
so i quit smoking on a wednesday this time...
see wot usually happens, as i mentioned befor, is that wen out drinking(usually on the weekend) we tend to smoke up a storm... so by sunday i wake up with that darth vader deep voice and that's wen i say i'm quitting on monday... and thusfar, the monday thing hasnt worked!! i also just realised that i dont like my ass and NEED to train again and cant do so while smoking... little miss emphysema weazing all over the place... so either i like smoking and i learn to love my bum the way it is now.... or kick the habbit in the butt...

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