Wednesday, August 17, 2005

its not nicotine

i know it's a disgusting habbit... i've been trying to stop but it's just not happening. cutting down doesnt work and trying to stop doesnt work either, u'r supposed to stop just like that! firstly its a catch 22 situation : u stop smoking and for 2wks u have 'bronchitis' cos ur lungs r trying to get rid of all the tar and shyte that u'v sucked into them, then again i dont cough wen i'm smoking... so y stop? i was always a social smoker... after a couple drinks i'd always feel like a ciggie... no problem, bum a ciggie, lite it, smoke it but now that i'm a smoker its worse, we'r talking almost chain smoking. which brings me to my second point : i'd have to quit drinking if i really wana quit smoking. i can handle not smoking during the day(when there are no cancer sticks in my vacinity), but wen i go out for drinks, i cant just bum a smoke, i buy a pack and of course i dont finish the pack that night, so its there the next day...calling me... mite as well smoke till i'v masacred the pack. now they have these stupid snus tins like they'v had nicorette gum and patches that are a substitute for smoking. u still get ur nicotine 'fix' without the damaging inhalation of smoke... havnt tried the gum or patches.. but the snus kak is just that... kak... its like a micro tea bag filled with plain ol tobacco,no tar and u place it under ur tongue or by ur gums... the taste is vile. it worked tho... i didnt feel like smoking, it made me feel so sick i didnt feel like eating or drinking either (a nice 1 for those who wana diet) the thing is, maybe its the whole act of lighting up a ciggie, i duno, but u just cant beat the cool smokey taste of a menthol... disgusting, i know...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

smoking is bad mkay!