Tuesday, August 16, 2005

so it starts here

mmm.... so... now that i have a freaken blog... its weird, cos i had all these thorts i just wanted to get out there but now have absolutley nothing to say... must be having one of my off days... probably left the brain under my pillow again... its beta this way anyway, dont wana overuse it, u know... it has an expiry date... or rather it will eventually become obsolete... used up... i mean why else do old folk lose their memory... alzeimers??? i think not... more like 'old-timers'... anyway time for me to ssshht... cos if i'm not using my brain to think today then my body's probably using some other organ and i pray its not my liver... if that's my thinking tool for the day... i dont wana know how this day will end, that baby's so saturated by liqua... eish!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello porksausage, read ur blog, muchos impressed, need to speek to ya asap about email for rhodes. love danish biscuit