Monday, August 29, 2005

pleased to meet u, i'm naive...

I dont know who to trust, no surprise
Everyone feels so far away from me
Happy thoughts sift through dust and the lies
Trying not to break, but I'm so tired of this deceit
Every time I try to make myself get back up on my feet
All I ever think about is this, all the tiring time between
And how trying to put my trust in you
Just takes so much out of me
I wont waste myself on you - Linkin Park 'From the inside'

there's a screening process that all ppl have to go thru in order for me to determine whether they're 'cool' enuf to be friends of mine. i dont mean cool as in popular... i merely mean cool as a friend. someone u can talk to at any time of day about anything and everything and nothing... with a true friend there is no such thing as an awkward silence... its someone u can just be urself with,
just be.
i've been chatting to someone new for a short while now... and he made it into my 'inner cirle and all and all' but was suprise to find that i was deceived rite at the begginning and to avoid being bust i was showered with more lies. i figured being naive was something i'd out grown and i'd become tuffer and less gullable over the years... i really must stop putting so much faith in Mankind... well i guess i've grown in a sense, i refuse to allow ppl walk all over me as i would b4...


Anonymous said...

Ive also been back stabbed by most of my friends and i can truly just count my REAL friends on one hand! and you just happen to be one of them! although we dont see eachother alot of talk often we have been friends for so many years! and that cannot be lost!

Anonymous said...

hey mae... u know u r very special to me too... we go way back... so like we met in 1992... b4 ur hair turned black and stayed that way... wen we sat at the back of mr taylor's class talking kak... u,angela, me and reshma... ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

oh... nope, i dont know diana... but she seems like a cool chic...

ToXiC said...

deon... i just realised that pretending u'r diana is probably something u wud do... so i know she>>>is u.... i'm not that 2pid!!!!

Anonymous said...

No its really me T...