Monday, February 27, 2006

:::my personal favourite posts:::
(yes i've read them all again, well the ones i liked that is)

  • this is me ****
  • thort for the day **
  • CONfidence *****
  • dead like me *****
  • stress related ***
  • Hypocrits ****
  • temporary insanity ***
  • the complete idiots guide to me : chapt 1 *****
  • us girls are worse than u think ****
  • the game ***
  • just a notch in my bedpost ****
  • anger, hurt and many tears ****
  • feels like i'm stuck in reverse ***
  • cynical ***
  • pleased to meet u, i'm naive **
  • i'm lazy, so wot?! ***
  • i'm normal rite? ***
  • u get me ***
  • opportunist men r poo!!! ***
  • the things we do for fun ****
  • its not nicotine ***
  • warranty conspiracy ***
  • so it starts here *****

mmm... its been a long couple of months. the star rating has more to do with how much i njoyed writing that particular post. and i usually only enjoyed the most creative ones... here's to many many more...

alcohol induced destruction

i just dont get it, wen i'm not drinking the hard stuff i'll have a beer or a cider in the bottle. there's nothing like one of those ice cold bevvies , they go down so well, i almost drink it like i do water cos its not quite whiskey,
(we all know i like to sip my JD)
anyway with the bottel being ice cold, water condences on the bottel and without thinking, bottle in hand, i start peeling off the labels... every single one of them.
  • starting with the one on the front, nice and slow, keeping it in tact,
  • then its the one on the back, same procedure.
  • then i put the sticky sides together
  • then the one on the neck, sticking it onto the 2 i already have or if there's no sticker on the neck and its the foil... same procedure... nice and slow
  • then i crumple the whole thing and throw it away

at this point i'm usually done drinking the beer/cider and its time to start the whole routine all over again...

Sunday, February 26, 2006

kno wot i'm sayn

in this modern fst passed lyf, wit emails, blogs sms's & the lyk. i often find myself writin & typin in sort sms styl during the day...
it reali isnt that cool cos as i may b sms'n ppl & mailin ppl all kindsa fun-e stuf thru-out the day, i also hav 2 send NB mail 2 my bosses & clients & suppliers & often hav 2 pruf read the dam thing 2 make shaw i dnt send 'em sumthin jst alil less proffessional than im supposed 2. imagin snding ur boss sumthin lyk this post ... OMG!! he'l hit the roof... he mite evn ruf u up. & u kno how e-z it that can b cn that iv ben trying 2 multi-tsk by wrking & playn @the same tym.
ROTFLMFAO... c wot i mean. Lyk wtf?!?

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

ai papi !!!

The only aphrodisiac I need is your voice
Hearing you speak my name
Beckoning me to answer
Telling me you want me
So I tell you that you're the answer to every question I've ever had about love
Without words I use my tongue to tell the tale of us
Tracing your shadowscape
Kneeling before you my eyes feast upon your masculinity and
All its divinity and I praise you
Because all of that is for me
I begin to indulge myself of your delicacies
Digesting semi-sweet dark chocolate decadence as it melts
Dripping down my chin
Your taste is something Godiva couldn't re-create
Needing every atom of your anatomy
Necessity is placed upon me knowing you are the source of my serendipity
Dipping in and out of me stroking more than my consciesness
Subconsciously I find myself rewinding our love scenes
In my daydreams
Seeing that face you make when you're making me cum
And it makes me want you right there and then
Thinking of you in inappropriate places
I get Tingling sensations in private locations where I wish to be caught between a rock and your hard place
As wetness develops my legs begin to open and my spot turns to a backdraft and all I want you to do is extinguish it
You know my body like the back of your hands
And touch me and send me into ecstacy
My thighs quiver in anticipation of deep penetration which gets me high
Body rising
Make-up melting
Pulling my hair and
Scratching my back
I get a temporary case of tourettes because all I can say are four letter words in a four octave-range screaming your name
You f#$king me makes me bilingual
I see your tongue pink between your lips and
I want it between mine
And I struggle
As you lick torturing me
I try to get away but
Not really
Running out of room begging for more up against the wall that has been scuffed
by my stilletos
You pry apart my thighs and tell me to be still
And I willingly submit to you because I love the way you dominate me
Demanding that I cum for you so I do as I'm told
You've molded me so I'm good to no-one else but you
You've conquered this once orgasmicless world and multiplied it
Again and
My face radiates with after-glow
My pillow scented by you
A fragrance which haunts me
My room smells of the best sex
Covered in body prints and finger prints and you above me
Your name written indelibly upon my body in your genetic history
You f#$king me makes me bilingual

Sunday, February 12, 2006

valentine's.. the build up

Nobody Wants To Be Lonely
Artist: Ricky Martin with Christina Aguilera

Nobody wants to be lonely

Nobody wants to cry

My body's longing to hold you

So bad it hurts inside

Time is precious and it's slipping away

And I've been waiting for you all of my life

Nobody wants to be lonely, so why

Why don't you let me love you

negative marking

this is the wrong answer...

Friday, February 10, 2006

that feeling....

U know the one I’m talking about, everyone must have felt it at least once in their lives.
That instant connection u feel with someone u’ve practically just met, but it feels like u’ve known them a lifetime… it’s the feeling of being completely comfortable with someone where u say whats on ur mind and ur not trying to impress or not afraid of how they’ll react. It’s wanting to spend every second of ur day with them, no uncomfortable silences, no bordum …nothing is awkward,

its that childlike playfulness, the internal smile when u think of them, its feeling completely content when gazing into their eyes… its being excited about waking up in the morning cos it means u get to see them, it’s the feeling u get when ur half asleep and u feel their arms around u, its long deep conversations about nothing in particular…
its cuddling in front of the tele when its pouring outside, its knowing their every move, gestures and their smiles, and their smell, the feel of their soft skin, and their lips, its realizing that it just feels rite… its knowing what they’re thinking… knowing just how to make them laugh and feel better, its feeling good about urself, its that feeling that makes u feel like u can achieve absolutely anything… its wot u feel wen their hand fits perfectly in urs…
its missing them wen they just in the next room… its someone thinking ur the hottest thing since hell when ur hair’s a mess, ur eyes are puffy and ur make up smudged… its someone knowing all there is to know about u, the good and the bad…

and they still want to be with u.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

1 down 11 to go

2006 so far:
  • went on an awesome trip to mozambique, ate the yummiest prawns eva.
  • lost a good friend, ppl confuse me sometimes, they dunno wot they want.
  • back at a job i've now grown to hate but i'm too responsible and have no time to find a new job
  • met an extraordinary person who's changed my outlook on men quite a bit. he's just so different from all the rest... yeah i know wot u're thinking, they all seem different in the begining... but his whole approach, his whole caring nature is different from the rest... unfortunatley i let him get away... stupid stupid stupid girl...
  • read a really cool book called 'he's just not that into you' about men and the truth about wot they really mean wen they say:........ '
  • bought a cool little car i cant legally drive around yet
  • i'm broke as all hell cos of the little car i cant race around in

thats about it... just waiting for part 2 of 12....