Thursday, October 27, 2005

u can call me....

i met with a old friend from high school... she left port elizabeth 12yrs ago... lived in jhb for 2yrs and moved to london... became a model who's face i saw on fashion tv... she even graced the covers of vogue and mags like that... she changed her name... and trust me the new name is much cooler....
from this day foreward i will be known as :
Jesse Dalton...
the 1st name is the name of a childhood pet
and the last name , the name of the street i lived on when i was growing up...
i think its sounds pretty cool
(heard that's how u come up with a stage name in a movie actually - i think it was 'full frontal')

Monday, October 24, 2005

this is me

The eternal quest is about finding urself and getting to know who u are. When u’re a kid u don’t know who u are, u actually don’t care… actually u didn’t know u needed to know. U wake up and life’s a big adventure, ure bright eyed, innocent, pure, not a care in the world, always learning, na?ve and invincible, not jaded, not afraid to run, jump, fall, get hurt or speak ur mind, ur only plans are what toy to play with today…

(I guess times have changed and its all about ps2 and x-box now)

but its cool being a kid… generally speaking that is… I have my own box of skeletons but all in all it was cool growing up…
its all about perspective… and as u grow ur perspective changes…

Teen yrs… ah awkward puberty… luckily for me I didn’t have to battle with acne or spots… my only problem was growing boobs, I couldn’t handle the attention they got… loved and hated the attention… its worse for boys tho… I remember laughing my ass off at their voices breaking… anyway… as a teen I thort I knew who I was… thort I had it all figured out… teens generally care too much about wot others think… once again I was lucky, in that I didn’t care wot others thort of me… I still don’t… anything but ordinary, little miss non-conformist I like to call myself, dare to be different…To be like everyone else would be so boring… Eccentric… Freaky… Unconventional… Strange… Weird… Wacky… Doesn’t matter… I’m honest…I stand out…I have fun… I’m fun to be around… no matter wot I’m going through I’m always smiling. I’m different. I am me and I’m not easily forgotten.

perspective changes from teens to early 20’s… once again u think u’ve found urself and u have it all figured out… moved 1200km away from home, had a long time bf, bort a house, planned to get married and have kiddies…

now at 27 (almost 28) perspective has changed once again… no longer with the 1st boyfriend, not even with the 2nd one anymore either… now working on a career as opposed to the silly little job I had… even my plans for the future have change… and my focus>>> is me… me njoying life, njoying my family and njoying my friends… I look back and read my old diaries and I laugh at the way I used to think… and I thort I knew who I was and that, that was who I was gonna be forever… its amazing how much I’ve grown… and probably continue to grow… of course we cant change that much… the foundations of our personalities will always be there…

I love who I am now…

and I welcome the next phase of this metamorphosis…

bring on the early 30’s

Monday, October 17, 2005

time on my hands...

... and thorts in my head...
i just read thru every post i've eva written
and its weird how much time u have on ur hands
is relative to how much u have to say...
my 1st post compared to my previous post...
well its not so much about how much i have to say...
({[quantity vs quality]})
i just find my earlier posts are more entertaining...
if i just stumbled accross this blog and read just october's posts...
i wouldnt bother with the rest...
...mental note to self...
think before u write

the sweet smell of...

it bites...
as much as it makes life easier it also makes it harder wen it fails. we depend so much on computers and similar machinery but if we'r without that convenience (even for a few hrs) u can lose a days worth of productivity.
today for example - i'm supposed to receive faxes from agents all over the country... but not just regular faxes, web faxes (they end up going straight to my personal email inbox)... the information i get from these, i then put into a spread sheet, then make the neccesary graphs and shit, and finally draw up a presentation for our clients... my biggest campaign (all R2mils of it) didnt run this weekend, thank gawd!!!
but the little baby campaign did... so i really didnt have that much to do today, but our server was down,(no external mail or freaken faxes coming in) then at 2:30pm it was sorted out... but by this time there was one hell of a backlog that by 5pm (once my boss had told me not to worry about it and to do it 1st thing tomoro morning) i still hadnt received a thing
(sorry for being a pain mr IT guy)
i of course didnt know that the faxes werent coming in becos of this and proceeded to hound my local promoters and of course the agents dealing with the rest of the country, thinking they'd all just sent it to the wrong number
(fyi i'm new and they may not have all my contact details)
so... i look forward to tomoro...
*takes a sip from the glass of red wine*
wot???!!!! i know its a school nite... oh sshh... its been a long day!!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


u know wot sux... i dont have time for my blog anymore... i sit at work all day with an open internet line... but i'm just so swampt with work i barely manage to check emails... let alone think up stuff to write, then i get home and work on my laptop for hrs... and go to sleep at 1... like i'm about to do now... sigh... i miss it... i love writing... i love too many things...

Life is Beautiful

wot is it about having a job that makes u feel valued... worth something!!! like u actually make a difference in the world... granted i make a difference in ppl's lives without having a job... but now i feel important, needed,as opposed to insignificant... even if i won the lotto jackpot i'd still work. if i didnt i'd drive myself insane... of course i could shop, travel, take up hobbies, learn languages, instruments, dance and all kinds of things... but once u've done it all.... then wot??

Thursday, October 06, 2005


new position, available immediately. applicant must have no will to live and be willing to die for nothing. all applicants will be considered. no closing date for applications. applications to be sent to the bali suicide bomber association.

this is heart breaking... but y must innocent people... children... be caught in the cross fire of a mess such as this?? there r really sick ppl out there... with no regard for human life. i dont care wot u wana do to urself but dont hurt others!!!!

wot a day...

so i got a job working as a campaign manager for a marketing company... they needed me to start yesterday... my 1st day on the job was quite hectic.. yes i know wot u're thinking~ i've been out of work so long i dont remember how hectic real work actually is but i must tell u that the staff turnover at this place is so high... cos the pressure is so high... and many ppl dont stick around very chic resigned today... hence the hectic workload on day one... today being day 2... even worse... but i must say i enjoy it! also i'd rather be stressed about work than stress about having no work...
the whole package is really cool... more about that another day,now...
its time for bed...
not used to waking up so early or doing so much work
i'm knackered!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

sexy on a man

mmm... mmm... mmm.....

mmm... i love pink on a man rite now...
i love undies on a man... but not wen its baggy and ends up looking like poopy pants... its not even about having an underwear model's physic... rather get them in a smaller size... i wanna see ur sexy ass :)

tears are so sexy on a man... its so touching wen a man cries infront of u... it just about breaks my heart... i just wish they'd do it more often... or rather that more of them would do it... it's like they've been programmed into thinking they'r not allowed... there's nothing wrong with it at all... its such a turn on for me... plus... why bottle everything up???

need i say more.....??? man holding baby... mmm... so sexy

i love a man who can fix stuff... i dont see the point in calling someone in to do something u could do urself... most guys today just dont have a clue... and please... no plumber bum!

men in uniform r so sexy... ooh..ooh... pick me, pick me... i'm a pyromaniac... grrrowl....

i cook very well... and i love food... but a man who can cook is soooo sexy... of course if he can pull off the naked chef look thats even better...

lastly .... there's only one more thing that i can think of that would look uber sexy on a man rite now... (except for me of course)that would have to be my fury white handcuffs...

oh boys... queue here... he he he

thort for the day

DONT FROWN!! u never know who could be falling inlove with your smile ;)