Monday, July 21, 2008

... they laughed at fugly too I've created a new word:


hmm... well thats all I really have to say for now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

I'm UBER fabulous

soooooo... for some completely arb reason my favourite word so far this year has to be:

*drumroll please*

~*< ÜBER >*~

I dunno how,
I dunno why,
I duno where it came from,
(ok, its German folks, so we've established where it originated from, but i'm sure you know wot I meant)

Anyway, so this damn word is everywhere, all day, everyday,
*can you say : ÜBER OVERKILL?!?!?*
so much so, my mates are complaining about it... Um...Well, I'm ÜBER jammer om jou kak te hoor ;)

Monday, March 10, 2008

Almost 30.... perspective adjustment time again

so here we go again, hopefully i make more than 2 measly posts this year.

ah... the dirty 30's are upon us - ok fine, maybe just upon me :)

but i'm loving life - when this year started i just knew it was going to be my year!!!
(its about fucking time actually - been a couple kak years, a few good years)
but this one is going to be AMAZING!!!! (despite the kak thats already happened)

here's to 2008 *holds up glass o' bubbley* and here's to me and MY YEAR!