Sunday, April 22, 2007

well well well.... wot can i say... i've neglected this blog...
*norty norty girl*
so its April 2007 and well where do i start..
so much has happened... SOOOO much
lets see 2006 (yes i know, thats so last year)
well as i was saying ... 2006...
um... well... so... dunno if i really remember
everything... well here's the condensed version.
hmmm... worked really hard on Coke campaign,
major stress, also landed big vodacom campaign, i killed myself working on that... all in all a successful year for me work wise... socially, lots and lots of jolling i think... also too much booze... (evil i tell U)... went to my old friend and flatmates wedding in WC in july, it was beautiful...
hooked up with a 22yr old in august... that was fun while it lasted, but so immature...
*note to self: kids are only good for playing with*
agh well thats all there really was for 2006...
2007 on the other hand... started off perfectly
lay in the sun, by the pool, in my complex for 6hrs a day
14 days straight... i was indian looking by the time i went back to work.
there was shit with my sisters school application and funding etc... so she had to go home...
well... without going into any detail, i've learned a valuable lesson in life:
carefull who you bless with your kindness and generosity--
there are people who will take it for granted
and will not apprectiate you and all the help you give...
there are insensitive people who will disrespect you to your face...
there are people who will not show you the same consideration you have show them...
in a nutshell - people take advantage - - because you let them.
help help help - but draw the line somewhere
i'm loving work... i've been promoted... and its great.
anyway... got nothing more... i'm tired and wanna sleep... been a long day.