Tuesday, September 05, 2006

where has the time gone

they say time flies when u're having fun...
well that is true but its been all work really and all work and no play...
well we all know how that goes...

i just cant believe its already september. so much has happened in the last few months (so much for me writing a monthly post)

work has been an absolute nightmare and a blessing. i love the challenge and well to be truely honest, i love working hard. my biggest problem is that i put so much pressure on myself and stress so much about proving myself that i forget why and who i'm proving myself to. i know full well of my potential and wot i'm capable of and should learn to take it easy. and its not that i want everything to be perfect... just that i want things to be as close to perfect as possible. and in wanting that... i usually end up doing so much for fear that if i dont do it, it wont be done rite... but i've finally learnt the art of delegation. not to say i wasnt delegating before... which i was, but when listing the tasks... i used to find that so many of them are important and found i'd give others the easy work to do... anyway... all sorted out now. learnt that when u give ppl more responsibilty that become more responsible. i dunno if that makes sense, but it makes sense to me ;)